But we are full of memories of Romania and the wonderful time we had, so expertly guided by you. I’d seen the photos but hadn’t appreciated the big skies and enormous trees: those are the two images that have really stuck with me. And the food! That was all such a treat. Thanks for all the effort you put into making it such a spectacular trip for all of us, for keeping that dog away from us, for the debates about heating, Brexit and Cecil Rhodes, for ensuring that Nick stayed warm (and stylish) and for generally looking after … (>>>)
Grazie di cuore delle foto che giro a tutti gli altri, la vacanza è stata bella ed è piaciuta tanto a tutti. Ti ringrazio ancora tantissimo e di cuore per la splendida ospitalità e la disponibilità che ci hai dimostrato, siamo rimasti tutti colpiti da quella bella terra e dalle sue ricchezze.
Speriamo di tornare presto a trovarti nella tua bella Romania e di vedere altri posti belli.
Un abbraccio forte e buona vita a te!
Lorenza, CAI Mirano Italy, July 2016 – photos here… (>>>)
Hiking with Avril and Nina, what a wonderful tour!
I met Avril 8 years ago, on a strong winter, when we walked up to Curmatura hut in Piatra Craiului national park. This year, together with Nina, she came to see how our mountains look in the summer time! As you can clearly see in the photos, they look very well!
We hiked in the Bucegi mountains, Bran county and it’s high hills. We also went to Magura, the fairy tale village from our winter trip that Avril remembered vividly; the snow had been so high that the bread was transported by a hors… (>>>)
After a brief but impressive trip with Iulian in 2008 in the Bucegi mountains I vowed to return to Romania for a longer trip sometime. I finally got to do so last week. We are just back from a wonderful week’s hiking in the Bucegi mountains with Iulian. Iulian is a professional and knowledgeable guide. His knowledge of the mountains, the culture, the people and the way of life in Romania made our trip really enjoyable. His love and appreciation of his country is inspirational. His photography leaves us with a wonderful catalogue of … (>>>)
Noemi is originally from Fagaras town, my home town, but as few „Fagaraseni” she choose to live in US, getting married in US, and enjoy her life on the other part of the world.
During their short holiday in Romania, wedding, family relatives visits, they enjoyed a two days walk on the high hills of South East Transylvania, on the high hills of Bran country, Brasov’s city backyard.
And we were very lucky with weather! On the night before the trip were very heavy rains all over, but as you may see on the photos, during our wa… (>>>)
Few years ago, an Israeli hiker told me: you can leave me here, near this river, and I just stay to look at the running water for hours or days! What we need is green forest and running water!
And Paz was right!
Almost every year a group of Israeli nature lovers choose to hike or bike with us. And each time we are surprised how „hungry” for nature they are. The weather is not so important if they are out in back-country, even if is rainy or beautiful sunny day, because they are enjoying every moment of their holiday in our Carpathian g… (>>>)
As usual on each year I do I walk on backyard of Brasov, the high hills of Rucar Bran pass. This year I enjoyed this walk together with a Danish family, which were astonished by our nature, and not the last, by our wild flowers.
This year was something special, because until begin of July was pretty rainy, and all over we saw beautiful and interesting wild flowers.
Enjoy the photos!
Five great days in The Carpathians
We are a family from Denmark of four, including two teenagers.
This was our first trip to Romania. Thankfully, a good fri… (>>>)
În ultimii ani, România a început să fie tot mai prezentă pe lista destinațiilor de vacanțe active și tot mai mulți turiști aleg să-și petreacă aici vacanțele. Fiind o țară cu multe zone muntoase, nu este de mirare că drumețiile sunt foarte des practicate iar traseele sunt bine marcate și adaptate fiecărui turist.
Folosindu-se de cei peste 22 ani de experiență în organizarea de drumeții montane cu grupuri de turiști din toată lumea, Iulian Cozma Outdoor Adventures va oferă toate elementele pentru a avea o vacanță ideală în munții din … (>>>)
It was freezing cold and pouring with rain the day I met Antonia and Annabel in the city center of Brasov. We were to discuss about our scheduled trekking tour up in the Carpathian Mountains and the weather wasn’t looking very promising.
I was in for a nice surprise. The two former Oxford students would not be put off by a few drops of rain, even if they hoped for a nice, warm, sunny autumn – as anyone would expect for an early October in Romania. It’s true that there weren’t just a few drops, but quite plenty, and not r… (>>>)
It took them more than two years of preparations before actually arriving to Romania, but the wait was totally worth the while. Eran, Omer and their father Eli came to Romania to enjoy the lush forests, the mountain rivers and lakes: views that are available in very limited supply in Israel.
We walked the trails of Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, Bran County, Fagaras Mountains. We weren’t the fastest, nor the more spirited of the trekkers – but we were definitely taking the best brakes. Fresh made coffee (thanks Omer), home made … (>>>)