Wandern in Rumänien, aktiven Urlaub in Siebenbürgen

Ich habe immer gesagt dass egal wie oft man in der selbe Ort geht, soll nie Langeweile haben. Jetzt habe ich erfahren dass außerdem Saison, Wetter und lokale Änderungen, die Menschen die in einem Tour mitkommen, beeinflussen das Motiv des Wanderung und auch wie man eine Tour erlebt. Die letzte Tour im Bran Gebiet mit Dorotheea und Kathrin ist eine liebe Märchen geworden voll mit Gedichte, Musik, andere Märchen und natürlich viele schöne Gefühle..

Danke euch für die schöne Märchen die wir zusammen geschrieben haben.
Mihai, August 2012

By a handwritten poster with our first names, we two women from Germany met at the airport of Bucarest with a friendly reception  by Gabriel`schauffeur and were brought to our first accomodation.
By the way from the driver we learned a lot about the country and its people – in excellent English!
At destination we were welcome by Mihai, for the next 8 days our ( mountain) guide. From the beginning we got along with each other splendidly, we felt at home with Mihai very much (his German is fantastic!), he was considerate, very competent, humorous, sensitive and arranged contact to native people. He controlled snarling shepherd – dogs and together we braved a wild ram!!
We simply had a wonderful time together!
The accommodation, first of all in private rooms, was very good, we were feeded excellent.
After our interesting trips trough the mountains and little villages we got, by an arrangement from Mihai, a personal, very interesting guidance through Brasov by a charming young lady who was born there, but was speaking German perfectly.
Later on we visited for several days Sibiu and Sighisoara off our own bat. Very helpful for us were the train – connections and hotel -recommendations we got from Julian ( thank you once more!).
The last part of our trip was the visit of Danube – Delta and an excursion to Sulina (Black -Sea) and at last one day in Bucarest.
In Danube – Delta and Sulina we had once more wonderful private accommodations (arranged by Julian) with overwhelming hospitality and fantastic guided trips into the Delta and little villages nearby with a very nice and competent leader (colleague and friend of Julian).
A little wooden boat and a full – day trip by kayak respectively made possible special experiences of nature.We got many occasions to think and discuss about.

We returned to Germany full of unforgettable impressions from this many – sided, exciting trip.
Thanks to your planing and carrying out of the trip, we have heard very much about Rumania (with all its sunny and shady sides) , above all a great hospitality.

We´ll recommend you to others. Thank you!
Greeting from Germany,
Christine and Dorothea