Mountain biking in Brasov city area and Bucegi mountains

Mountain biking in Brasov city area and Bucegi mountains

If there is something unique about mountain biking in Brasov, Romania, it’s the diversity of landscape and trails you can experience in a relatively small area. It’s always a pleasure to see the excitement of our guests when they witness with their own eyes the smooth transition from forest to alpine teritory, from limestone to conglomerate rock formations, from busy mountain resorts to quiet pastures. from high ridges down to mountain gorges.

Bucegi Circuit, our most popular six-days mountain biking tour, offers great riding and vistas in Postavaru, Bucegi and Piatra Craiului mountains, plus the scenic surroundings of The Bran Country. Helmut, Willem and Raimund enjoyed this tour at the beginning of September 2015, and the photo gallery below sums up pretty well the whole experience: great weather, intensive riding, unforgettable experience.

Horia, September 2015

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