Etichetă: padina huette

(English) Splitboarding tour in Carpathians, Romania

They were splitboarding in Romania last January. And they return because they enjoyed! This year weather was much better than last year, but the poor winter conditions across all Europe, was presented here too.

Anyway, we take the best out of this snow conditions, and we enjoy nice weather tours in Bucegi mountains. Then we moved in the forest around Brasov city, for a walk in spring weather conditions around the forest of Brasov. As Sander and Ela said, we are so fortunate to live in Brasov, because you can start hiking or biking directl… (>>>)

Bergwanderung im Bucegi, Fagaras und Piatra Craiului-Gebirge, Rumanien

Mit Gabi und Michael haben wir versucht immer zwischen den Regenwolken zu wandern und uns ist es gelungen. Obwohl schlechtes Wetter angekündigt wurde, haben wir das Glück auf unserer Seite gehabt und wir sind eigentlich trocken bis zum Ende unserer Tour geblieben. Im Bucegi-Gebirge nach dem langen Aufstieg durch das Cerbului Tal haben wir den Omu-Gipfel erreicht und dann sind wir weiter nach Padina gewandert bei wunderschoenem Wetter. In Padina Nea Opris und Tanti Doina haben uns mit leckerem Essen verwöhnt. Am zweiten Tag haben … (>>>)

Out of the comfort zone, mountain biking in Transylvania, Romania

This week was one of a different kind. Maybe it wasn’t the perfect weather for mountain biking but it was perfect to create memories that will last. Cold, snow technical problems… We had it all. That was the difficult part but – and there is a big BUT. In the same time with giving us trouble all this difficulties gave us also the chance to stand and deal with ourselves and nature. The wheels were spinning and the weather too. From sun to rain. From rain to snow. Again Sun with teeth and again clouds. The pedals are still p… (>>>)

Skitouren im Rumänischen Gebirge

Well, winter is here, winter was here! I mean last week, 5-12 March 2011, was really winter, with strong winds, below zero temperatures and not the last good snow! Now the temperatures are over zero, but is still OK.

Our tour start in Bucegi mountains, where the weather was bad but good for skiing, if is possible to say something like this! Visibility was not great, BUT the snow was more than great! We have between 30-40 cm of fresh snow, and we enjoyed very much some runs from Tataru peak and Strungile mici peak, down to Cabana Padina, where w… (>>>)