Sometimes less is more, even in mountaineering
Every now and then we have guests that overestimate their abilities – or underestimate the difficulties of the Romanian trails high up in the mountains. The altitudes here are not as impressive as in the Alps or the Dolomite mountains (the main ridges are just above 2000m with highest peaks barely scratching the 2500m limit), but the vertical drops from the valleys to the main ridges are more or less similar, with equally demanding trails. We are proud to say that we never let that spoil a good vacation, as we are always flexible in adjusting the routes to our guests abilities. Most of the times mountain guiding isn’t about establishing new records or pushing people to their limits, it’s about helping people enjoy their time up in the mountains, experiencing the local culture, simply having a good time.
The four trekkers from Sweden that arrived in Romania this September ware just one of these groups. After a revelatory first day we decided not to follow the original plan, but we still had a marvelous time in the Bucegi, Piatra Craiului and Fagaras mountains. We enjoyed local food, gorgeous weather, tranquil rural life in the village of Ucea de Sus, drinking freshly milked water buffalo milk and home made brandy. A treat indeed!
Horia, October 2012
We came, 4 Swedes ranging from age 43 to 71, with high expectations that were surpassed. Starting a bit harder than we trained for, Horia and Iulian made a fantastic job in adapting the tour to our limitations. Beatiful nature, good food and friendly people wherever we went.
The trip was crowned by the visit to Iulian’s grandmother which gave us the possibility to see Romanian old culture together with the new in Brasov and talking a lot with Horia.
Thank’s to Iulian and Horia, our memories from Romania are fantastic and we would love to come back.
Sofia, Ulf, Mattias and Jan-Erik, Sweden
Vi kom, 4 personer mellan 43 och 71, med höga förväntningar som överträffades. Vandringen startade något tuffare än vi tränat för, men Horia och Iulian gjorde ett fantastiskt jobb med att anpassa vandringen till våra begränsningar. Vacker natur, god mat och trevliga människor var vi än kom.
Vandringen kröntes med besöket hos Iulians mormor vilket gav oss möjligheten att se Rumäniens gamla kultur, tillsammans med den nya i Brazow och som Horia berättade om.
Tack vare Iulian och Horia har vi fantastiska minnen från Rumänien och vi vill gärna komma tillbaka.
Sofia, Ulf, Mattias and Jan-Erik, Sweden