Hiking Romania, Bucegi and Ciucas mountains, South Carpathian mountains

Hiking Romania, Bucegi and Ciucas mountains, South Carpathian mountains

Even priests love nature, so on middle of June I had the pleasure to hike and talk with Karl Heintz, a priest from Bottrop, Germany.
As always in June, we were hiking on the blooming period for mountain flowers, including the Rhododendrons, those beautiful mountain flowers.
Our tour start in Bucegi mountains, and the original plan was to go to Fagaras area after Bucegi. But some last changes taking in consideration the weather forecast, bring us to Ciucas mountains, a small but beautiful mountain range in South East of Transylvania, not far from Brasov city.

We climbed Omu and Ciucas peaks, the highest peaks in those mountain ranges, we enjoy smelling mountain flowers, we enjoy the food we served, it was a good tour after all.

Enjoy the photos,
Iulian, August 2015