Categorie: snow

Splitboard in Romania, Bucegi and Piatra Craiului mountains

On September 2014 I was kindly asked by Sander to organize a splitboard trip for him and his girlfriend, Elzbieta. Both were beginners in touring and splitboading, and were very clear on the tours they request: more touring then climbing peaks. And this we did. We enjoyed four days in Bucegi mountains and two days in Piatra Craiului national park. As is in January here, we didn’t have too many sunny moments, but we were happy with the snow quality, the views and the most important ever, we have all the mountains just for us and those b… (>>>)

Ski touring experience in Romanian mountains

Ski touring experience in Romanian mountains

For Monika was the 6th ot 7th time in Romanian mountains, and the 3rd for ski touring. And this year she came with a group of 4 friends for one week ski touring in Bucegi and Fagaras mountains.

Our plans were a little bit changed by the snow conditions, quite poor for begin of February, but weather was just perfect, and at least we can enjoy the views 🙂

Originally we were planning to ski in Bucegi mountains and in West of Fagaras, at Barcaciu chalet. But taking in consideration the snow conditions we went at Balea lake, at least we start of skis in … (>>>)

Skitouren Erlebnis in Rumänien, Süd-Karpaten

Skitouren Erlebnis in Rumänien Bergen, Süd-Karpaten, in Fagaras und Bucegi Gebirge

Zwischen 21 Februar und 01 März war eine Schitourenwoche geplant mit Günther,  Franz, Hubert und Bartholomäus – Bascht vom Bergrettungsdienst Pongau (sehr fit und erfahren –deswegen noch mehr Spass gehabt). Fast überall in Europa waren dieses Jahr die Schneebedingungen nicht ideal. Und bei uns hat die Tour genau unter diesen Bedingungen angefangen.

In den ersten zwei Tagen zwischen unseren Touren mit mehr oder weniger Schnee, mit Schierntragen oder fahren haben wir über Laublawinen geplaudert und wie wichtig es wäre … (>>>)

Ski touring in Greece, Olympus mountain

Most of the mountain lovers do not make a connection between ski touring and Greece. For most of them, Greece is mean deep clear water, rock climbing, but not ski touring. In fact from the Greek mountains are coming the ancient Gods, Zeus have his home on Olympus mountains. So if are mountains must to be some snow too! After our experience in Macedonia republic, where we’ve been also for ski touring, we moved more South East, to Olympus mountain area. As in Popova Sapka, we were blessed with beautiful weather, blue sky; well, pretty windy o… (>>>)

Ski touring in Macedonia republic, Popova Sapka

I meet the group on spring of 2011, when we enjoy a ski trip in Romania, Bucegi and Fagaras mountains. The few years after we enjoyed another ski tour together in Bulgarian mountains, Rila and Pirin. As some of them confess, was one of the best tour they ever did. Weather was nice, snow was great, over all a great experience.

Now we were skiing for few days in Shar mountains, at Popova Sapka in Macedonia republic. Despite the poor snow all over Europe, we were lucky with enough snow and beautiful blue sky. Also, a walking tour in the capital cit… (>>>)

Revelionul de la Cabana Barcaciu, din Muntii Fagaras

Tura la coltari, soare, destul de frig, mancare gustoasa, bautura pe saturare si o gasca misto. Cam astea au fost ingredientele revelionului din 2013, pe care l-am petrecut la cabana Barcaciu, in Muntii Fagaras.

O parte dintre noi a ajuns la cabana pe 30 decembrie dupa amiaza, iar restul seara, pe la 8. Dupa bucuria revederii cu ceilalti, am fost primiti de Nea Petre si Mihai cu zambetul pe buze si cu o ciorba ca la mama acasa: gustoasa si calda. Mai aveam o singura zi din 2013, asa ca ne-am gandit sa o petrecem facand o tura pe creasta. Initia… (>>>)

Christmas in Ucea de Sus village, Fagaras county, Transylvania

My dear friends, It’s been a wonderful year and I was lucky to meet great people coming for ski touring, hiking and walking in Romania.

Christmas is one of the most important holidays in Romania and maybe the most beautiful as it’s celebration differs depending on the regions.  As you know, my family is original from Transylvania („Ardeal”) – Ucea de Sus village, just at the base of Fagarasi Mountains.  Here, the Christmas tradition is very important and maintained for hundreds of years. On the Chris… (>>>)

Snow walking in Transylvania

It was freezing cold and pouring with rain the day I met Antonia and Annabel in the city center of Brasov. We were to discuss about our scheduled trekking tour up in the Carpathian Mountains and the weather wasn’t looking very promising.

I was in for a nice surprise. The two former Oxford students would not be put off by a few drops of rain, even if they hoped for a nice, warm, sunny autumn – as anyone would expect for an early October in Romania. It’s true that there weren’t just a few drops, but quite plenty, and not r… (>>>)

Vater und Sohn Expedition durchs Fagaras Gebirge

Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis war für uns die 3 Tagestour durchs Sambata Tal auf den Moldoveanu Gipfel. Es begann damit, dass Julian mit uns professionell für die Expedition einkaufen ging und wir den Inhalt unserer Rucksäcke überprüften. Zum Glück, denn wir konnten gemeinsam noch überflüssiges Gewicht reduzieren. Das war auch nötig, denn  der erste Tag , Aufstieg von 1800 Höhenmetern bis zum Refugio auf dem Portita Vistei Sattel auf 2310 m war ganz schön anstrengend. Unvergessliche Ausblicke über weite Täler,  Julian berich… (>>>)

Schweiz SAC Rossberg Senioren Skitouren und Kulturreise in Bulgarien

I was skiing first time in Bulgarian mountains back on 2009, with a Swedish group. I meet first time for a ski tour in Romanian mountains, and then we went to Bulgaria for another week, but three years later. More or less was the same on this situation. We skied in Romania on 2011, and on this year we went together for a ski tour in Bulgarian mountains, Rila and Pirin mountains, climbing the highest peak in Bulgaria, Musala peak at 2925 m high.

We were there for 10 days, enjoying skiing and some cultural visits. We were very lucky with the first p… (>>>)