Categorie: Impresii de la turisti, ski de tura in Romania

Skitourwochenende mit Iulian in den Bucegi Bergen

Wir haben gerade ein wunderschönes Skitourwochenende mit Iulian in den Bucegi Bergen verbracht. Ohne grosse Anstrengungen konnten wir sofort in die Einsamkeit der Berge eintringen und die Zivilisation zurücklassen. Dabei hat auch die Infrastruktur wunderbar funktioniert. Für die Naturbegeisterten kann ich Rumänien nur empfehlen, hier gibt es wirklich noch weite Flächen unberührter Natur. Und wenn Rumänien, dann natürlich mit Iulian! Paul Swoboda, 2015… (>>>)

Ski touring in Romania, Bucegi and Poiana Brasov ski resort

I am just back from a week of backcountry skiing tour That Iulian organized for our group in the Carpathian Mountains. He over delivered compared to our expectations. Iulian is not only a mountain lover able to transmit his passion. He is also trustworthy on all aspects of a trip, including the sometimes boring logistics. A very competent and trustworthy mountain guide but also a nice person with a great sense of humour. I strongly recommend Iulian to anyone wanting to discover the Romanian wilderness. Paul Delesenne, Belgium ̵… (>>>)

Splitboard in Romanian Carpathian, Bucegi and Piatra Craiului mountains

Wir können Iulian nur wärmstens empfehlen!

Meine Freundin Ela und ich sind viele Jahre zum Snowboarden in die Alpen gefahren und beschlossen, dieses Jahr etwas Neues zu versuchen. Zum einen wollten wir ein anderes Gebirge sehen, zum anderen mit Hilfe von Splitboards deutlich mehr als bisher im Backcountry unterwegs sein. Ein wenig Freeride Erfahrung konnten wir zwar aufweisen, Touring ganz ohne Lifthilfe war jedoch neu für uns. Gipfelerfolge waren uns nicht wichtig, wir wollten einfach schöne Natur ohne viele Touristen erleb… (>>>)

Snow trip in Romania

Adding ten days of hiking in Transylvania to our down-the-Danube cycling trip Annabel and I sought to top off one adventure with another. Logically, our erratic way of communication should have led us straight into the desert, but thanks to Iulian’s golden patience we got golden Horia to take us through Postavaru, Piatra Craiului, Bucegi and Fagaras Mountains. A somewhat unseasonal snow storm greeted us upon arrival in Brasov October 1st. Our exceedingly wild expectations matched only by our exceedingly lacking equipmen… (>>>)

I’ve had 2 great trekking trips with Iulian and would highly recommend him

I have done 2 trips with Iulian. The first was in September 2011 when we traversed the Fagaras mountains in the Autumn, and I came back in the winter this year,2013, to do a ski tour for a week. It was a wonderful experience to be in the back country where there was only the two of us out on the mountains making fresh tracks through the snow. Equally interesting and challenging was skiing through the woods , but Iulian had the utmost patience and awareness of my ability. Iulian’s skill of knowing the terrain, snow conditions and weather … (>>>)

Una decina di giorni fantastici, con paesaggi per noi nuovi e una neve da sogno

Alla fine la neve era perfino troppa, ma Iulian ha saputo inventare con 2-3 telefonate un programma alternativo che ci ha soddisfatti tutti a pieno. Bei posti, organizzazione logistica degna di un orologio svizzero e – aspetto non secondario – una conoscenza della regione, della storia e dei suoi abitanti da parte di Iulian che ne fanno un’ottima guida. Avanti così! Mario Casella, Guida, Switzerland, Feb 2013 – photos here… (>>>)

Discese nella neve polverosa, paesaggi invernali da sogno

Discese nella neve polverosa, paesaggi invernali da sogno, le pittoresche cittadine di Sibiu e Brasov, il castello Peles, la cucina e l’ospitalità rumena questo e tant’altro ho potuto scoprire durante il mio soggiorno nei Carpazi rumeni. Iulian ha organizzato tutto in modo perfetto: dall’arrivo all’aeroporto fino alla ripartenza, compreso un qualche cambiamento del programma dovuto a condizioni sfavorevole. Iulian non è solo un’esperta guida di montagna, ma con piacere informa anche su usi e costumi e il loro contesto stori… (>>>)

Absoluten Highlights unseres Rumänienaufenthalts

Unser Tagestrip mit Iulian war unter den absoluten Highlights unseres Rumänienaufenthalts! Unsere Wanderung führte uns durch die entlegene Hügellandschaft in der Nähe des Ortes Bran. Die Aussicht war großartig und wir hatten sie praktisch für uns alleine – denn bis auf einen Schäfer mit seinen 200 Schafen haben wir den ganzen Tag über niemanden getroffen!

Für uns verlief die Tour perfekt – kaum zu glauben, dass wir sie nur zwei Tage im Voraus geplant hatten! Iulian ist ein kompetenter, unkomplizierter und zuverläs… (>>>)

Day trip with Iulian in the Carpathian Mountains

We really had a great day trip with Iulian in the Carpathian Mountains near Bran village. The landscape was superb and the place very remote – we did not meet anybody the whole day, except a shepherd with his 200 sheep. Even though our trip was planned only two days in advance, everything was just perfect. Especially the small things made the tour with Iulian exceptional: the pickup from and the drop-off directly to our pension in Brasov, the information he gave about Romania from the perspective of a local person, the wind-protected she… (>>>)

Zilele minunate pe care le-am petrecut impreuna cu tine in Romania.

Draga Iulian,

Sunt deja de o saptamana in Germania si ma gandesc mereu la zilele minunate pe care le-am petrecut impreuna cu tine in Romania. Minunate deoarece inca de la inceput am observat ca tu te diferentiezi de alti ghizi si ca esti o persoana foarte flexibila si care sare in ajutorul celorlalti. Aproape ca am avut impresia ca ai fi stat si in cap pentru mine. Da, am si primit ceea ce mi-am dorit – o tura adaptata doar pentru mine, ceea nu este nici uzual nici de la sine inteles. Atat raspunsurile tale prompte la e-mailurile mele, cat si ex… (>>>)