Tag: piatra mare

Australian Wombats across the Romanian Carpathians

There are 20 years since I organise outdoor journeys in Romanian mountains and I can remember most of my guests. And for sure I’ll remember the Australian wombats, Geoff, Max and Colin, and of course I Kate. The original tour starts in Brasov and end almost in Sibiu, over 12 days of hiking in seven mountain ranges in South Carpathian mountain in Romania, kind of Haute route in Romania. But because of a very wet period in July, we had to reorganize our tour, but even despite the bad and wet weather, we succeed to traverse Piatra Mare mountain r… (>>>)

Hiking with nos amis Belges, Transylvania, Romania

How many times did we say to our old classmates or childhood friends, on those rare occasion we see them: “You know what? We should do that more often. We should do something together regularly, like we used to”. And we don’t, because we are all too damn busy.

Well, some people actually do that. We’ve guided Swedes who were making yearly trips around the world with friends they made more than 30 years earlier. We’ve shown the wanders of Bran Country to a group of Belgians in their early thirties who already … (>>>)

Irish Globetrotters walk in Romanian mountains, Bucegi, Piatra Craiului

A thirteen strong group of us, all keen mountaineers, from various parts of Ireland have been for the past number of years, taking a week out in early September to trek another new destination for us across the mountains of Europe.This year it was to be the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania,Romania.

After some research earlier in the year it was decided, due to the limited time we had, seven days, that we should the services of a local guide. Iulian was to be our guide for the week.

The service that Iulian provided was second to none and I … (>>>)

Discover Romanian mountains, adventure hiking in Carpathians

Eileen came from Switzerland to Romania tracking back family roots and trails. Her grandfather started his love affair with the mountains in Fagaras, in Sambata and Vistisoarea area, following his passion later in life up in the Swiss mountains. Eileen wanted to see with her own eyes where it all began, so, together with her friend Yves, they asked us to plan a ten days trekking tour in Romania.

We started near Brasov, in Piatra Mare, and made our way towards Fagaras via Bucegi and Piatra Craiului. All along the way we visited sheep farms… (>>>)

Rumäniens Landschaft während einer Wandertour im Gebirge Siebenbürgens bewundern

Anja ist zum 2. Mal ins Rumänische Gebirge gekommen und hat eine unvergessliche Tour gehabt. Das erste Mal war Sie im September 2012. Damals haben wir einen großen Teil des Kammes der Fagaras Gebirge, die Alpen Siebenbürgens, durchquert. Beendet haben wir die Wanderung in der Nähe der Berghütte Barcaciu, wo wir Preiselbeeren direkt vom Strauch gegessen haben. Dieses Jahr haben wir die Tour mit dem Überqueren des Piatra Mare Gebirges begonnen. Aus der Nähe der Stadt Brașov, ging es bis an den Fuß des Bucegi Gebirges, in das Bergdorf P… (>>>)

Haute route of Carpathian mountains, traverse of 7 mountains in Romanian Carpathians

It was a tour like not other! In 11 days we hiked ~230 km, we climbed 12.000 meters and we descent 12.000 meters. Yes, in Romanian Carpathian mountains! And we hiked in wild mountains, where we meet just shepherds, sheep and dogs, and as usualy just few persons.

Juergen and Michael came from Germany, with a only wish: to do a traverse of Carpathian mountains in Romania, and we did it!

I hiked all of this mountains many times, but not in row, so also was really pleasure for me to do this tour! We stay in mountain huts, mountain refuge and tents! W… (>>>)

Walking tour in Transylvania, this beautiful part of Romania

Dear Iulian, Thank you so much for showing me a bit of Transylvania ,,this  beautiful  part of Romania”. We did have a wonderful time travelling with you.  It was so nice and easy to follow in your step and have all the time to look around in this great unspoiled nature.  It was wonderful to have the feeling that everything was unspoiled and basic. No other tourists.  Just like the three of us were alone in the world.  We had so much fun and we will have good memories from this trip forever. We hope we can come again to see some more, maybe going t… (>>>)

Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania

On my those 12 years of mountain guiding and organizing outdoor tours in Carpathian garden, I have learned that one image is more valuable then 1000 words.  I invite you to see some images from my last “Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania” tour in South East of Transylvania, together with Tatiana and Nasser.

We did a walk from village to village, on one of the most surprising and beautiful part of Transylvania, where you meet real nature and local people every day. After the walking tour, we visite… (>>>)