Hiking, biking, skitouring in Romania

Hikers in Fagaras mountainsMy name is Iulian Cozma and I’m a full time professional mountain guide, and together with my mountain guides team, I organize tours in Romanian mountains, and I invite you to discover more about Romania, and maybe one day we hike or ski together here, in Romania!

I have been guiding tourists through the Romanian mountains for more than ten years now. Most of them are foreigners or expats working in Romania. Their continuous interest for the Romanian mountains comes as a surprise to my fellow Romanians, who tend to believe that the Alps or the Pyrenees deserve all the spoils. Not to me, though – I’ve been trekking the official and unofficial trails of the Romanian mountains since I can remember and I still get amazed at the scenery every time I go to Fagaras Mountains, or Bucegi, or Piatra Craiului.

I am not very good with words, and probably too biased when describing the mountains I grew up with, so I will let the images do the talking – please go the the Photography section and see for yourself the photos I took with various groups of tourists in the last ten years in the Romanian mountains.

I’ve been told that many of these photos were the reason why a lot of tourists asked me to guide them through the Romanian mountains, be it for trekking, hiking, ski touring, or freeride sessions.

Simon village in South Transylvania

As you can read in the Testimonial section, the Romanian mountains more than lived up to the expectations. But, equally important, my clients were really impressed by the people they met, the experiences they had with local, rural Romania they visited while going up or down the mountain – a part of Romania that was the least affected by the communism and that – I was told – accounts for an Europe that only lives in the memory of the elders.

If you want to experience that, you should come to Romania as soon as possible – after joining the European Union in 2007, Romania will be less and less like… Romania, and more and more like the rest of the present-day Europe. Which is good in many ways, but not all of them…

Ciucas mountainsThey say growing your business is a must if you want to stay prosperous. A bigger business, however, is much more difficult to manage, especially when trying to offer each and every group a personalized experience – something I am proud to say I was able to accomplish so far. This is why I was always careful when working with other Romanian mountain guides for my groups. The effort paid off, as now I am able to count on several local mountain guides – see My Team section – and to offer the clients a wider range of services (mountain biking and photo tours are new entries on my list) for more groups.

So, to end an introduction that already is too long: if you are looking for an active mountain vacation in Romania, you arrived at the right place. Choose one of the already made tours or let us prepare a specific schedule for your needs. Hiking, trekking, mountaineering, mountain biking, ski touring and freeride, snowshoeing, phototours, all of that and much more – we can organize your vacation from the moment you step foot on Romanian soil till the moment of your leaving. We will arrange for your accommodation, transportation, visits to the ‘must see’ Romanian tourist attractions like the Bran Castle, Sighisoara, Biertan, Sibiu, Brasov, etc, – or we will give you travel advice for the non-mountainous part of your Romanian vacation.

We strongly believe that adventure tourism done safely and responsibly is a wonderful way to visit Romania. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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