Tag: moeciu de sus

Family Hiking in the countryside of Bran mountain village

Family Hiking in the countryside of Bran mountain village

In the spring of 2022, between Covid and the war in Ukraine, I had the pleasure to organize a hiking tour for a grandfather Johannes, and his grandson Adrian, both from Germany.

Johannes had been to Romania about 30 years ago, like any young Neamt who wanted to explore Eastern Europe.

Then he walked the ridge of the Piatra Craiului, now we enjoyed walking at the base of the ridge, different age, different desires.

Our trek was a classic one, on foot through the country of Bran, from village to village, in a May with good weather, flowers and l… (>>>)

Family hiking in Romania, South Carpathian Mountains

As most of the requests, the one I received from Bernhard was simple: I would like to hike in Romania with my daughter, kind of gift for her 18 years old birthday! Is not first time when parents are coming with kids to hike in Romania, as presents for any type of anniversary, but each time is special! The interest of a young person just to go hiking on another country, with one of the parents, surprise me each time! And this time I choose for them Bucegi and Fagaras mountains, the most representatives mountain ranges in Romanian Carpathian.

Wa… (>>>)

Bucegi and Fagaras mountains with Italian hikers

We have planned with our Italian friends a week-long traverse of the Southern Carpathians in July 2018, starting in Sinaia, across Bucegi, than along the main section of the Fagaras ridge, from Sambata to Negoiu.

After a good start in Bucegi mountains, the weather turned for the bad when we moved to Fagaras mountains. Instead of the main ridge traverse, we opted for some easier treks in the lower altitudes, at Negoiu and Barcaciu, but also an attempt towards Moldoveanu Peak via Turnuri and Podragu. We may not have the joy of breathing t… (>>>)

Magical snowshoeing tour in Transylvanian mountains

​We are two keen, but not super-fit walkers, who are just hitting their 60s. We spent 8 days in Romania under the guidance of Iulian and his team. Everything was tailored to our capabilities and interests and we recommend this excellent company without reservation. The original plan had been for us to walk into the Bucegi mountains and stay in a mountain hut for two nights. Before the ascent, Horia (our superb guide) took us on local, quite tough walks and it became obvious that the mountain climb would not be suitable for us. So the plan wa… (>>>)

Bucegi traversing, Old border hiking

When a Australian couple want to go home, they still travel. This was doing Zac and his friends, at the end of three years stay in UK. They were going home travelling from country to country, and they stop for few days hiking in Bucegi mountains, South East of Transylvania. Weather was fantastic, and our traverse of Bucegi was done smoothly and dry! Enjoy the photos, Iulian, Sept 2016

I would highly recommend this company. Iulian provided for us a personalized itinerary of hiking through the Transylvanian mountains and villages. The sc… (>>>)

CAI Mirano on a trip to Transylvania

Ciao Iulian, grazie per la bellissima settimana (10-16 luglio 2016) che con gli altri amici del Club Alpino Italiano abbiamo trascorso con te in Transilvania. Luoghi meravigliosi, ospitalità cordiale e, specialmente, la tua ottima capacità di condurre il gruppo e di provvedere ad ogni nostra necessità, con una disponibilità e un’attenzione davvero eccezionali. Spero si possa combinare per qualche altra avventura insieme, ancora sui Carpazi o magari sul delta del Danubio. A presto dunque, buona montagna e buona vita! G(>>>)

Ski de randonnée dans les montagnes de Bucegi, Mars 2017

4 jours de ski de randonnée en mars 2017 avec Iulian Cozma ont été une expérience merveilleuse. Iulian est un vrai pro que ce soit pour la logistique (transports, hôtels, refuges en montagne) mais aussi dans son  métier de guide de montagne : Iulian connait ses montagnes et il connait la neige. C’est aussi un joyeux compagnon qui étonne par la connaissance de son pays et l’affection qu’il lui porte. A refaire absolument avec Iulian !

Lionel, Jean-François, Vincent – Mars 2017 – fotos (>>>)

Snowshoeing in Bran Country, Transylvania

Five friends from London came to Romania this winter for a snowshoeing trip across the hills and glens of the Bran Country. Conditions varied from cold winter to warm spring, with fresh snow or pleasant sunshine, with a little bit of mud added to mix. Fortunately no rain, but – we will say it over and over again, as it is simply very trye – there is no such thing as bad weather in the mountains. Just bad clothing.

Everyone’s photo camera was put to good use and abuse, as you can see from the gallery below. Be it a smartphone, a … (>>>)

Welcome to nature, walking in Romania

Betty and Joël came for a long weekend hike and a short visit of Bucharest city. The right places for this type of tour are Bucegi natural park and the high hills of Bran county. We started our tour with a warm up hike on the Western part of Bucegi mountains, then crossed over to Moeciu de Sus, ending in the picturesque mountain village of Simon. It was the best time of the year to hike, with the right weather conditions and this was something which motivated us to keep on hiking and enjoying the beautiful nature!

Enjoy the photos, Iulian, Septe(>>>)

Traverse of Bucegi mountains, hiking in Transylvania

I would highly recommend this company. Iulian provided for us a personalised itinerary of hiking through the Transylvanian mountains and villages. The scenery was picturesque and the tour was very well organised and run. Thanks again Iulian!

Zac Lowth, Australia, Sept 2016

A verywell organised trip, great local food (especially the soup and rice dessert) beautiful scenary and an excellent guide. Iulian has excellent local knowledge and is very professional. Iulian has excellent english and is a very good communicator with a gr… (>>>)