Tag: biertan

Wanderung in Transsilvanien , genießen Sie Natur pur

Wir waren mit einer Gruppe von 8 Leuten in Rumänien und haben zusammen mit Iulian und Horia (die beiden Bergführer und Guides) eine wundervolle 4 -tägige Tour durch Transilvanien erlebt. Da einige sich nicht auf das Mountainbike getraut haben, haben wir eine Wander- und eine Mountainbike-Gruppe gebildet. Die beiden sind sehr gut auf die Bedürfnisse der Gruppen eingegangen und waren total flexibel was das Programm anging. Wir haben wunderschöne Landschaften, unberührte Natur und auch kulturell Einiges erlebt. So waren wir auc… (>>>)

Hiking in Fagaras mountains, culture trip in Transylvania

A tour that allowed to me to meet very interesting persons, from diferent countries and cultures. We hiked in Fagaras mountains, the Transylvanian Alps, climbing the highest peaks in Romania, Moldoveanu and Negoiu peaks, and as always, we enjoyed a dinner on my grandmother village, Ucea de Sus. After our outstanding hike in Fagaras mountains, we enjoyed the visits in Sibiu city, the formes European capital of Culture in 2007, Sighisoara medieval town, Brasov city and not the last the capital city of Romania, Bucharest!

Very intere… (>>>)

Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania

On my those 12 years of mountain guiding and organizing outdoor tours in Carpathian garden, I have learned that one image is more valuable then 1000 words.  I invite you to see some images from my last “Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania” tour in South East of Transylvania, together with Tatiana and Nasser.

We did a walk from village to village, on one of the most surprising and beautiful part of Transylvania, where you meet real nature and local people every day. After the walking tour, we visite… (>>>)

Exploring Romanian mountains

I was asked many times by my guests if I’m not bored to do tours in the past 11 years over and over the same places, over and over same mountains, and clearly my answer is NO! First of all, I did tours with hundreds of different guests, from all over the world, and all of them have different stories to share, and all of them were surprised by my country, Romania. I can say that most of them came with not so many expectations about a hiking or a cultural tour in Romania, but at the end of the tour they really changed their opinion about my country… (>>>)