Tag: sibiu

Exploring Romania, walking, culture, enjoy tasty food

A conversation with a Romanian taxi driver in London a few years ago put Romania on my travel radar. He enthusiastically described the beautiful scenery and many hiking options available in his home country. From the beginning of our correspondence with Iulian, he was prompt and efficient in dealing with our enquiries which gave us confidence in his professionalism. The outstanding feature of Iulian’s company is that it genuinely offers tours which are tailored to the specific needs of the group and the itinerary is flexibl… (>>>)

Israeli walkers in Carpathian garden, Romania

Few years ago, an Israeli hiker told me: you can leave me here, near this river, and I just stay to look at the running water for hours or days! What we need is green forest and running water! And Paz was right! Almost every year a group of Israeli nature lovers choose to hike or bike with us. And each time we are surprised how “hungry” for nature they are. The weather is not so important if they are out in back-country, even if is rainy or beautiful sunny day, because they are enjoying every moment of their holiday in our Carpathian g… (>>>)

Ski touring experience in Romanian mountains

Ski touring experience in Romanian mountains

For Monika was the 6th ot 7th time in Romanian mountains, and the 3rd for ski touring. And this year she came with a group of 4 friends for one week ski touring in Bucegi and Fagaras mountains.

Our plans were a little bit changed by the snow conditions, quite poor for begin of February, but weather was just perfect, and at least we can enjoy the views 🙂

Originally we were planning to ski in Bucegi mountains and in West of Fagaras, at Barcaciu chalet. But taking in consideration the snow conditions we went at Balea lake, at least we start of skis in … (>>>)

Explore Romanian mountains, hiking and culture in Transylvanian Alps

June can be heaven or hell! Well not as hot as is in hell maybe, (I never been there. Yet) but sometime weather can be unfriendly! Of course, weather is not so important when you traverse half of the World for hiking in Transylvanian Alps, the important part is the equipment you bring with you for a tour like this, the adrenaline you have and the expectations. In small words, we get wet every day of our trip, but also we dried the equipment over the night, being ready for the next day adventure. And we enjoy every step we did in Bucegi and Fagaras m… (>>>)

Wandern in Rumänien, aktiven Urlaub in Siebenbürgen

Ich habe immer gesagt dass egal wie oft man in der selbe Ort geht, soll nie Langeweile haben. Jetzt habe ich erfahren dass außerdem Saison, Wetter und lokale Änderungen, die Menschen die in einem Tour mitkommen, beeinflussen das Motiv des Wanderung und auch wie man eine Tour erlebt. Die letzte Tour im Bran Gebiet mit Dorotheea und Kathrin ist eine liebe Märchen geworden voll mit Gedichte, Musik, andere Märchen und natürlich viele schöne Gefühle..

Danke euch für die schöne Märchen die wir zusammen geschrieben haben. Mihai, August 20(>>>)

Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania

On my those 12 years of mountain guiding and organizing outdoor tours in Carpathian garden, I have learned that one image is more valuable then 1000 words.  I invite you to see some images from my last “Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania” tour in South East of Transylvania, together with Tatiana and Nasser.

We did a walk from village to village, on one of the most surprising and beautiful part of Transylvania, where you meet real nature and local people every day. After the walking tour, we visite… (>>>)

Skitouren in Rumänien, Skitouren in Karpaten, Bucegi und Fagaras Berge

Hallo lieber Iulian,

Ja nun bin ich bereits wieder eine Woche in Deutschland und ich denke fast unentwegt an die wunderbaren Tage die wir zusammen mit Dir in Rumänien verbringen durften. Wunderbar deshalb weil bereits im Vorfeld zu erkennen war das es sich bei Dir nicht um den „Normalguide“ handelt. Denn bereits dort habe ich erkannt, das Du wahnsinnig hilfsbereit und flexibel bist. Hatte ich doch fast den Eindruck Du machst Kopfstände für mich. Ja ich sollte wohl alles bekommen was ich mir wünsche – auch eben eine Tour nur für mich all… (>>>)

Exploring Romanian mountains

I was asked many times by my guests if I’m not bored to do tours in the past 11 years over and over the same places, over and over same mountains, and clearly my answer is NO! First of all, I did tours with hundreds of different guests, from all over the world, and all of them have different stories to share, and all of them were surprised by my country, Romania. I can say that most of them came with not so many expectations about a hiking or a cultural tour in Romania, but at the end of the tour they really changed their opinion about my country… (>>>)