Wir machten ein einwöchige Tour im Juli. Waren alle Top zufrieden. Alles 1a organisiert. Bis zur nächsten Tour 2018. Helmut Metz, July 2016
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Wir machten ein einwöchige Tour im Juli. Waren alle Top zufrieden. Alles 1a organisiert. Bis zur nächsten Tour 2018. Helmut Metz, July 2016
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Hiking with Avril and Nina, what a wonderful tour! I met Avril 8 years ago, on a strong winter, when we walked up to Curmatura hut in Piatra Craiului national park. This year, together with Nina, she came to see how our mountains look in the summer time! As you can clearly see in the photos, they look very well! We hiked in the Bucegi mountains, Bran county and it’s high hills. We also went to Magura, the fairy tale village from our winter trip that Avril remembered vividly; the snow had been so high that the bread was transported by a hors… (>>>)
Together with Jon and Chris, I backpacked half of Fagaras mountains ridge on one of the wettest period of 2016, even if was July. Chris came from the UK especially for this tour, Jon works in Bucharest and does a lot of runs in the Romanian mountains, but the Fagaras mountains are special mountains, which require a lot of knowledge and skill. In order for both of them to enjoy this challenging hike, we hiked together. As usual, we started from the East Side, from Piatra Craiului national park. After a warm evening at 7 Crai in Plaiul Foii, we s… (>>>)
With Iulian away to study the effect of the global warming on the ski touring activities in Switzerland, I had the honor to open the 2013 hiking season at mountainguide.ro. Together with Anne and Martha, we enjoyed mild weather and quiet trails in Bran County, through the Zărnești Gorges, the villages of Peștera, Șirnea, Fundata and Moeciu de Sus. As you can tell from the photos.
În lipsa lui Iulian, plecat în Elveția să studieze efectul încălzirii globale asupra schiului de tură în Elveția, mi-a revenit mie onoarea de a deschide sezo… (>>>)
This last weekend, 14 May 2011, we just finished the longest mountain biking tour ever :-). We started in August 2010 in Simon village and finished it in May 2011 further 20 kilometers away, near Zarnesti. You’d say quite a short ride for such a long time and you’d be right. The plan was to do the tour over one weekend last summer, but after a gorgeous Saturday the rain came. We weren’t able to reschedule the second part of the tour until this May, so voila, mystery revealed.
Steve and Robbie wanted to go on some more techni… (>>>)