Hiking with Avril and Nina, what a wonderful tour!
I met Avril 8 years ago, on a strong winter, when we walked up to Curmatura hut in Piatra Craiului national park. This year, together with Nina, she came to see how our mountains look in the summer time! As you can clearly see in the photos, they look very well!
We hiked in the Bucegi mountains, Bran county and it’s high hills. We also went to Magura, the fairy tale village from our winter trip that Avril remembered vividly; the snow had been so high that the bread was transported by a horse and his chart! Charming village in both summer and winter!
We decided to meet again in another 8 years from now, and I’m looking forward to it!
Iulian, August 2016
After a brief but impressive trip with Iulian in 2008 in the Bucegi mountains I vowed to return to Romania for a longer trip sometime. I finally got to do so last week. We are just back from a wonderful week’s hiking in the Bucegi mountains with Iulian. Iulian is a professional and knowledgeable guide. His knowledge of the mountains, the culture, the people and the way of life in Romania made our trip really enjoyable. His love and appreciation of his country is inspirational. His photography leaves us with a wonderful catalogue of our holiday. While he is easygoing and relaxed he is highly organised and efficient in his planning. The trips are tailored and adapted to all individual needs. Thank you Iulian and good luck with all you developing plans for the future.
Avril and Nina, Ireland, August 2016