Tag: doina opris

Hiking Bucegi, enjoy the mountains!

Tura mea cu Horia a fost cadoul pe care mi l-am oferit anul acesta de ziua mea. Am găsit mountainguide.ro şi am fost surprinsă să văd atât de multe testimonialuri. Am citit câteva dintre ele, unele şi mai vechi, şi mi-am dat seama că nu aveau cum să fie inventate, totul era real. Am scris un mail scurt la adresa din contact, iar Iulian mi-a răspuns foarte prompt, spunându-mi că el nu este disponibil în perioada aceea, dar că Horia ar putea să mă însoţească într-o tură. Perfect!

Am plătit şi m-am felicitat pentru ce cadou frumos tocmai îmi făcu… (>>>)

Recharging batteries on a hiking weekend in Bucegi and Bran Country

Every now and then (and there is quite a big gap between now and then) we get the chance to hike with fellow Romanians. It gets a little bit weird in the beginning, as we are much more used to speak English than Romanian, but we adapt easy to any situation :).

Hikers tend to be friendly, open minded people, with plenty of stories to share. This time was no different, and the ever changing scenery of the Bran Country and the Bucegi Natural Park can only  add to the atmosphere. Starting in a green and sunny Moeciu de Sus, going up to the last patches o… (>>>)

Ski touring in Romania, return of esquiadores Españoles

They are from Zaragoza, near the Pirineos and they were first time in Romania on winter of 2012, when the weather was not on our side. Anyway, after 3 years they returned to see if we can discover now the Romanian mountains on better weather. And we did! The first plan was Bucegi and Fagaras mountains, but at the end was Bucegi mountains and a speed climbing tour on Poiana Brasov ski resort, on a heavy snowing day! This time Bucegi mountains were great and we enjoyed everything, snow, sun, weather conditions and not the last the delicious foo… (>>>)

Hiking with nos amis Belges, Transylvania, Romania

How many times did we say to our old classmates or childhood friends, on those rare occasion we see them: “You know what? We should do that more often. We should do something together regularly, like we used to”. And we don’t, because we are all too damn busy.

Well, some people actually do that. We’ve guided Swedes who were making yearly trips around the world with friends they made more than 30 years earlier. We’ve shown the wanders of Bran Country to a group of Belgians in their early thirties who already … (>>>)

Los esquiadores españoles en un esquí de montaña en las montañas de Bucegi, Rumania

Hmmm, I’m not sure if we were skiing in Romania or in Siberia 😉 , because of the windy days what we had in Bucegi mountains. Weather is not all the time as we wish or as we expect, but always we find ways to enjoy a ski tour. We did a traverse of Bucegi mountains, starting from Cota 1400 in Sinaia to Moeciu de Sus village, over Tataru peak and Strunga pass. Weather was so and so, I mean from sunny but windy periods to totally white out periods! Despite the white out from last day, we enjoyed a forest descent on powder snow, and like this we end our … (>>>)