Tag: casa folea

Australian Wombats across the Romanian Carpathians

There are 20 years since I organise outdoor journeys in Romanian mountains and I can remember most of my guests. And for sure I’ll remember the Australian wombats, Geoff, Max and Colin, and of course I Kate. The original tour starts in Brasov and end almost in Sibiu, over 12 days of hiking in seven mountain ranges in South Carpathian mountain in Romania, kind of Haute route in Romania. But because of a very wet period in July, we had to reorganize our tour, but even despite the bad and wet weather, we succeed to traverse Piatra Mare mountain r… (>>>)

Romania, Hiking Piatra Craiului national park and Bucegi mountains

I meet Artur and his friends 5 years ago, when we hiked in Fagaras mountains, traversing the main ridge from Bracaciu hut to Podragu hut, with a climb to the highest peaks in Romania. And after five years, they returned for another hike, this time in Piatra Craiului national park, Bucegi mountains and on Brasov backyard, the high hills of Bran area. I was happy to meet them again, and enjoy some sunny days on South Carpathian mountains! Our tour start with two days hike in Piatra Craiului national park, then we moved towards East, Moeciu de … (>>>)

Wandern und Kultur in Transsilvanien

 100% Rumänien, 100% Sommer, 100% Urlaub


zwischen dem 13 und 20 August bin ich zusammen mit Oli und Annika im Baiului- und Bucegigebirge sowie im Brangebiet und Piatra-Craiului-Gebirge (Königstein) unterwegs gewesen. Es war ein wunderschöne Tour und trotz der Hitze und des  im Stau Stehens  haben wir die herrliche Landschaft und autentische rumänische

Erlebnisse genossen. Wie Oli und Annika meinten: „Wenn wir alles wie in Deutschland haben wollten dann wären wir lieber zu Hause geblieben“. Ihr bewundernswerter Standp… (>>>)