Tag: barcaciu

Italian lady hiking in Fagaras mountains in Romania

Grazie Iulian per aver accettato di farmi da guida nonostante ero solo io , e stato bellissimo , i colori dei rododendri meravigliosi , bella accoglienza al rifugio Barcaciu il mangiare ,le marmellate con i mirtilli raccolti un po più su , la doccia a l’aria aperta però caldai è poi la vista arrivati sulla cresta stupenda. Altrettanto al rfugio Podragu , molto pulito la sala mensa piena di giovani e stranieri desiderosi di andare sulla cima più alta della Romania , Moldoveanu ,bellissimo e di sicuro ritornerò al più presto possibile, a p… (>>>)

German mountain hikers in West of Fagaras mountains, Romania

Mirko and Holger choose to hike in Romanian mountains just for a weekend, on late autums days of 2019. The chosen area was Barcaciu hut in West of Fagaras, easy access from Avrig town, welcoming hosts and outstanding hikes!

And the weather was perfect, we saw Fagaras mountains on his beauty during our hike to Scara peak.

Enjoy the photos, Iulian, October 2021… (>>>)

Our 2019 mtb season was a blast

Our 2019 mtb season was a blast

Many say that the 2019 season marked the end of an era for the various leisure industries, including adventure tourism. Well, if this will be the case, we can honestly say that we ended this said era with a bang. Our 2019 mountain biking season was a brilliant one. Check it out in this short video round-up:

We’ve had some exquisite custom short tours: Daniel, coming from Sweden, open the party in April. Monika and her friends drove to Romania for a longer trip, out of which four days were reserved for mountain biking. Sam flew all the w… (>>>)

Active holiday in Romania, family hiking in Romanian Carpathians

They choose to spent a 3 weeks holiday in Romania, combining walking in the mountains with cultural visits and sitting in the sun. Was middle of August when we start the trip, start of September when we finish 🙂 So I was happy to organize for those two German families a trip as they wish, starting with Ocna Sibiului, Barcaciu hut in Fagaras mountains, Salvamont hut in Bucegi mountains, Sinaia, Sighisoara and Brasov cities, Viscri and Balea Lake tourist destinations and not the last, Poarta and Moeciu de Sus mountain villages. The trip we… (>>>)

Bergwanderung im Bucegi, Fagaras und Piatra Craiului-Gebirge, Rumanien

Mit Gabi und Michael haben wir versucht immer zwischen den Regenwolken zu wandern und uns ist es gelungen. Obwohl schlechtes Wetter angekündigt wurde, haben wir das Glück auf unserer Seite gehabt und wir sind eigentlich trocken bis zum Ende unserer Tour geblieben. Im Bucegi-Gebirge nach dem langen Aufstieg durch das Cerbului Tal haben wir den Omu-Gipfel erreicht und dann sind wir weiter nach Padina gewandert bei wunderschoenem Wetter. In Padina Nea Opris und Tanti Doina haben uns mit leckerem Essen verwöhnt. Am zweiten Tag haben … (>>>)

Revelionul de la Cabana Barcaciu, din Muntii Fagaras

Tura la coltari, soare, destul de frig, mancare gustoasa, bautura pe saturare si o gasca misto. Cam astea au fost ingredientele revelionului din 2013, pe care l-am petrecut la cabana Barcaciu, in Muntii Fagaras.

O parte dintre noi a ajuns la cabana pe 30 decembrie dupa amiaza, iar restul seara, pe la 8. Dupa bucuria revederii cu ceilalti, am fost primiti de Nea Petre si Mihai cu zambetul pe buze si cu o ciorba ca la mama acasa: gustoasa si calda. Mai aveam o singura zi din 2013, asa ca ne-am gandit sa o petrecem facand o tura pe creasta. Initia… (>>>)

Snow walking in Transylvania

It was freezing cold and pouring with rain the day I met Antonia and Annabel in the city center of Brasov. We were to discuss about our scheduled trekking tour up in the Carpathian Mountains and the weather wasn’t looking very promising.

I was in for a nice surprise. The two former Oxford students would not be put off by a few drops of rain, even if they hoped for a nice, warm, sunny autumn – as anyone would expect for an early October in Romania. It’s true that there weren’t just a few drops, but quite plenty, and not r… (>>>)

Hiking in Carpathian mountains, Romania, Fagaras range

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Almost 30 years after a first attempt at doing the Fagaras mountains main ridge, Thomas and his wife came to Romania this July to finish the business. That first try ended shortly after starting, because of an unexpected snow. This time the weather was much better, with lots of sun and mild temperatures. The trek proved to be demanding non-the-less, with lots of technical ascents and descents, with long hours of marching along trails sometimes pretty exposed ridges.

Thomas and his wife wer… (>>>)

Discover Romanian mountains, adventure hiking in Carpathians

Eileen came from Switzerland to Romania tracking back family roots and trails. Her grandfather started his love affair with the mountains in Fagaras, in Sambata and Vistisoarea area, following his passion later in life up in the Swiss mountains. Eileen wanted to see with her own eyes where it all began, so, together with her friend Yves, they asked us to plan a ten days trekking tour in Romania.

We started near Brasov, in Piatra Mare, and made our way towards Fagaras via Bucegi and Piatra Craiului. All along the way we visited sheep farms… (>>>)

Hiking in Carpathian mountains, Romania, Fagaras mountains, Transylvanian Alps

I always love to hike in Fagaras mountains on autumn, and when Anja ask me to plan a tour where we’ll meet nobody, I was happy to propose her a tour in Fagaras mountains, because there you meet nobody. And like this it was!

We hiked for 5 days, on very god weather and some cloudy days, but we both enjoyed the beautiful sunsets and silence of the mountains, and not the last the cranberries from the forest of Barcaciu hut, in West of Fagaras mountains.

We also spent a night in Ucea de Sus village, where is still possible to realize what is mean … (>>>)