Active holiday in Romania, family hiking in Romanian Carpathians

Active holiday in Romania, family hiking in Romanian Carpathians

They choose to spent a 3 weeks holiday in Romania, combining walking in the mountains with cultural visits and sitting in the sun.
Was middle of August when we start the trip, start of September when we finish 🙂
So I was happy to organize for those two German families a trip as they wish, starting with Ocna Sibiului, Barcaciu hut in Fagaras mountains, Salvamont hut in Bucegi mountains, Sinaia, Sighisoara and Brasov cities, Viscri and Balea Lake tourist destinations and not the last, Poarta and Moeciu de Sus mountain villages.
The trip went smooth and on a good mood, enjoying all the moment, views and tasting most of the wild forest fruits, being happy to be out there!

Enjoy the photos,
Iulian, October 2015


Für die Hompage von Mountainguide zur Tour mit Julian Cozma

Wir verlebten drei abwechslungsreiche Wochen in Siebenbürgen, zauberhafte Landschaften, spektakuläre Karpartengipfel, schöne Städte, nette Menschen…..
Zunächst 9 Tage geführte Wanderungen durch die Fagaras und Bucegi Mountains. Dabei zeigte Julian sich als kompetenter und umsichtiger Bergführer, der alle Wege kennt, die Belastungsgrenzen seiner Gäste einschätzen und die Wanderetappen ihren Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben anpassen kann. Auch ein Wetterumschwung mit zwei Tagen Dauerregen ohne Sicht in den Bergen war für ihn kein Organisationsproblem. Mit seinem mobilen Büro (Smartphone) plante er in Absprache mit uns kurzerhand um und wir genossen sehr schöne Tage in Brașov und holten das Wandern später nach.
Im zweiten Teil unserer Reise machten wir ohne Julian eine Autotour, die er für uns perfekt vorbereitet hatte: Autovermietung vermittelt, schön gelegene Unterkünfte (in Brasov, Viscri, Sighisoara, Balea Lac und Sibiu) gebucht und Tipps zu sehenswerten Orten sowie praktische Hilfen zum Reisen (Taxifahrten, Zugfahrten etc.) gegeben.
Julian weiß viel zu berichten zu Landschaft, Kultur und typischen Gerichten; beste Blaubeerhänge, wilde Himbeeren in den Bergen, Eisdielen, Papanași, Bäcker, Donats in den Orten. Es gelingt ihm seinen Gästen Rumänien als Ganzes ans Herz zu legen.
Vor allem hat uns sein sensibler Umgang mit Nähe und Distanz zu seinen Gästen gefallen, absolut professionell.
Vielen Dank Julian, wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt und du bist ein hervorragender Botschafter deines Landes!

Andrea, Helge, Sigrid und Bernd

For the Homepage from Moutainguide – Tour with Julian Cozma August 2015

We spend three diversified weeks in the Transylvanian area, beautiful landscapes, spectacular peaks of the Carpathians, lovely cities and warm people.
At first we have had nine days guided tours in the Fagaras and Bucegi Mountains.
In doing so Julian was an experienced and cautious Tour guide, with knowledge of every path, he can assess the load limits of his guests and adapt the hiking stages to their needs and preferences. Even a change in the weather pattern with two days of heavy rain and without sight in the mountains was not an organization problem for him.
With his mobile bureau (Smartphone) he rescheduled in consultation with us on short hand and we enjoyed beautiful days in Brașov and later did the hiking
In the second part of our trip we took a tour by car without Julian, that he had perfectly prepared for us: the contact to a local car rental company, booked beautiful located accommodations (in Brasov, Viscri, Sighisoara, Balea Lac and Sibiu), shared tips with us on places of interest as well as practical help to travel (Taxi and Train tours etc.)
Julian knows to report much about landscape, culture and typical dishes, where to find wild blue berries and raspberries in the mountains, ice cream parlours , Papanași, Baker, Donuts in the cities. He manages his guests to put Romania as a whole at heart.
Especially his sensitive handling of closeness and distance to his guests liked us – totally professional.
Thank you Julian, we felt very much at home and you are an excellent Ambassador of your country!

Andrea, Helge, Sigrid and Bernd