Tag: backpacking

Bucegi traversing, Old border hiking

When a Australian couple want to go home, they still travel. This was doing Zac and his friends, at the end of three years stay in UK. They were going home travelling from country to country, and they stop for few days hiking in Bucegi mountains, South East of Transylvania. Weather was fantastic, and our traverse of Bucegi was done smoothly and dry! Enjoy the photos, Iulian, Sept 2016

I would highly recommend this company. Iulian provided for us a personalized itinerary of hiking through the Transylvanian mountains and villages. The sc… (>>>)

Hiking in Romania, Fagaras mountains from Piatra Craiului to Suru

Eileen and Yves. We “know” them since three summers, when we were first time contacted by Eileen mother, Christine, born in Brasov city and Fagaras mountain lover. Her father was bringing her to Fagaras mountains, Transylvanian Alps quite often, and also Eileen told me about her talks with her grand father about this mountains.

On 2013 they were hiking from Brasov to almost Olt valley, on different mountain ranges, accompanied by my colleague Mihai. On 2014 they came for a mountain biking tour with Horia, and they ende… (>>>)

Hike through the East of Fagaras mountains from 20-23 August 2014

As Karin said, was a smooth, quiet and relaxing tour! As in every autumn, I’m happy to enjoy at least one tour in Fagaras mountains, my home mountains…..and this year Karin was the one who “invite” me on a tour up there. Karin was a mathematics teacher at Doamna Stanca high school in Fagaras town, on the start of ’70, and she used to hike sometime up in Fagaras mountains. Now, after so many years she came back to visit some friends, and to enjoy a hike up there! We agreed first for a long traverse of Fagaras, fro… (>>>)