Schlagwort: bucegi

Bergwandern im Bucegi gebirge.

Tura mea cu Horia a fost cadoul pe care mi l-am oferit anul acesta de ziua mea. Am găsit şi am fost surprinsă să văd atât de multe testimonialuri. Am citit câteva dintre ele, unele şi mai vechi, şi mi-am dat seama că nu aveau cum să fie inventate, totul era real. Am scris un mail scurt la adresa din contact, iar Iulian mi-a răspuns foarte prompt, spunându-mi că el nu este disponibil în perioada aceea, dar că Horia ar putea să mă însoţească într-o tură. Perfect!

Am plătit ÅŸi m-am felicitat pentru ce cadou frumos tocmai îmi făcu… (>>>)

Skitouren Reise in den Karpaten , Rumänien

Was a group of friends and colleagues from university,  who usually enjoy skiing in The Alps, but they decide to see how are the Carpathian mountains in winter time. So, last February we enjoy a ski trip in Bucegi and Fagaras mountains, on perfect sunny days and powder snow! As always, we were almost the only skiers in both areas, and this was one of the nicest part! Bucegi mountains were great, our hosts Doina and Mircea, as always, very charming and welcoming people!

At Balea lake sky was blue, snow was as good as we wish, so the trip was jus… (>>>)

Batterien laden auf einem Wanderwochenende in Bucegi und Bran Land

Every now and then (and there is quite a big gap between now and then) we get the chance to hike with fellow Romanians. It gets a little bit weird in the beginning, as we are much more used to speak English than Romanian, but we adapt easy to any situation :).

Hikers tend to be friendly, open minded people, with plenty of stories to share. This time was no different, and the ever changing scenery of the Bran Country and the Bucegi Natural Park can only  add to the atmosphere. Starting in a green and sunny Moeciu de Sus, going up to the last patches o… (>>>)

Wanderung im Bucegi-Gebirge , Süd-Ost- Karpaten, Rumänien

Best way to get fit for a wedding party on the other side of the world? Three good days of proper mountain hiking through all kind of weather, from mild spring to full-winter blizzards and thunder-storm pouring snow.

Maybe that wasn’t exactly what our two Canadian friends had in mind when they asked us to help organize a few days of hiking in the Carpathian Mountains, to fill in some vacation days before joining some friends‘ wedding. But that’s definitely what they’ve got on their plates, and they totally enj… (>>>)

Walking in Transylvania, like a fairy tale story

Walking in Bran county is always a pleasure and is like a fairy tale walking tour 🙂 Smooth landscapes, charming villages, outstanding landscapes and why not, always good weather.

This time I was happy to walk with a group of 5 students from Singapore and Japan, and as far I see, they enjoy the tour. And, not the last the meals during our trip 🙂

We were happy to walk from Piatra Craiului National Park thrum all the mountain villages, until we arrive at the bottom of Bucegi mountains.

Sunny days, spring flowers, and from time to time caws an dog… (>>>)

Skitouren Reise in Rumänischen Karpaten

Rumänien Februar 2016 Im Januar hatte wir die Idee die Karpaten mit den Skiern zu erkunden. Im Internet fanden wir die Adresse von Iulian und wurden uns schnell einig. Bereits am 26. Februar landete der Flieger in Bukarest. Wir wurden abgeholt und nach Sinaia gebracht. Am Abend wurden mit Ihm weitere Details besprochen. Nach der Besichtigung von Peles Castle und dem wunderschönen orthodoxen Kloster in Sinai starteten wir in die Berge. Mit der Gondel schaukelten wir ins Skigebiet COTA 2000 im Bucegi Gebirge und genossen die erste Ab… (>>>)

(English) Splitboarding tour in Carpathians, Romania

They were splitboarding in Romania last January. And they return because they enjoyed! This year weather was much better than last year, but the poor winter conditions across all Europe, was presented here too.

Anyway, we take the best out of this snow conditions, and we enjoy nice weather tours in Bucegi mountains. Then we moved in the forest around Brasov city, for a walk in spring weather conditions around the forest of Brasov. As Sander and Ela said, we are so fortunate to live in Brasov, because you can start hiking or biking directl… (>>>)

Active holiday in Romania, family hiking in Romanian Carpathians

They choose to spent a 3 weeks holiday in Romania, combining walking in the mountains with cultural visits and sitting in the sun. Was middle of August when we start the trip, start of September when we finish 🙂 So I was happy to organize for those two German families a trip as they wish, starting with Ocna Sibiului, Barcaciu hut in Fagaras mountains, Salvamont hut in Bucegi mountains, Sinaia, Sighisoara and Brasov cities, Viscri and Balea Lake tourist destinations and not the last, Poarta and Moeciu de Sus mountain villages. The trip we… (>>>)

Rumänien, Wanderung in den südlichen Karpaten

Nach zahlreichen Hüttenwanderungen in den Alpen (E5 und Berliner Höhenweg), den Dolomiten und Korsika in den vergangenen Jahren haben wir uns dieses Jahr entschieden, den Empfehlungen von Freunden zu folgen und in die Karpaten nach Rumänien aufzubrechen. Wir wollten in die unberührte Natur, Land und Leute kennenlernen und vom stressigen Alltag abspannen. Ãœber eine kurze Internetrecherche (die alles in allem nicht viele Treffer ergeben hat) sind wir erst im April auf die Internetseite von Iulian Cozma Outdoor Adventures ges… (>>>)

Romania, Hiking Piatra Craiului national park and Bucegi mountains

I meet Artur and his friends 5 years ago, when we hiked in Fagaras mountains, traversing the main ridge from Bracaciu hut to Podragu hut, with a climb to the highest peaks in Romania. And after five years, they returned for another hike, this time in Piatra Craiului national park, Bucegi mountains and on Brasov backyard, the high hills of Bran area. I was happy to meet them again, and enjoy some sunny days on South Carpathian mountains! Our tour start with two days hike in Piatra Craiului national park, then we moved towards East, Moeciu de … (>>>)