Tag: bucegi

Mountain biking in the Transylvanian Alps, Romania

Mountain biking in the Transylvanian Alps, Romania

It was a long wait, but totally worth it. Scheduled to take place in June 2020, the Transylvanian Alps tour with a small group of brave Belgian mountain bikers finally happened in September 2021. Ciucaș, Baiului, Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Mountains offered us some unforgettable days.

The Covid pandemic might have dramatically changed the world around us, but the mountains are as beautiful as ever. The Carpathians offer some unique combination of pure alpine territory, vast areas with little to no now human presence. And loads of i… (>>>)

Our 2019 mtb season was a blast

Our 2019 mtb season was a blast

Many say that the 2019 season marked the end of an era for the various leisure industries, including adventure tourism. Well, if this will be the case, we can honestly say that we ended this said era with a bang. Our 2019 mountain biking season was a brilliant one. Check it out in this short video round-up:

We’ve had some exquisite custom short tours: Daniel, coming from Sweden, open the party in April. Monika and her friends drove to Romania for a longer trip, out of which four days were reserved for mountain biking. Sam flew all the w… (>>>)

Ski touring weekend for friends in Bucegi and Ciucas mountains

We started this ski touring weekend for friends back in 2012, and since then we are honoring this nice tradition every winter. During these eight years some people have left the group, others joined later, and some are part of the adventure from the very beginning. We’ve had brilliant powder snow, or spring slush, freezing cold in bitter blizzard or nice, warm temperatures while skiing among spring crocuses. In the last couple of years we’ve extended the event with some training days, either in the forests of Postavaru o… (>>>)

Australian Wombats across the Romanian Carpathians

There are 20 years since I organise outdoor journeys in Romanian mountains and I can remember most of my guests. And for sure I’ll remember the Australian wombats, Geoff, Max and Colin, and of course I Kate. The original tour starts in Brasov and end almost in Sibiu, over 12 days of hiking in seven mountain ranges in South Carpathian mountain in Romania, kind of Haute route in Romania. But because of a very wet period in July, we had to reorganize our tour, but even despite the bad and wet weather, we succeed to traverse Piatra Mare mountain r… (>>>)

Bucegi traverse in Romania

We were visiting Romania with work, and bringing customers with us we wanted to do something on two days we had spare with our group of six. I rarely use a guide, but due to the timescale and wanting everything to go smoothly I found Iulian to assist. From the outset he was a true professional, and through emails back and forth we had a plan, and he’d arranged transfers from our hotel to the start of the walk. The night prior to our trip Iulian contacted me to say that 30cm of snow had fallen on the area of our planned route, and he suggested a… (>>>)

Bucegi mountains traverse, hiking in Romania

As usual, weather is weather, and in September sometime plans has to be changed because of HER. But based on our 20 years’ experience in organising hiking tours in Romanian mountains, weather is not an issue.The plan was to hike in Fagaras mountains, climbing Moldoveanu peak in two days hike, but just with few days before our trip, the first serious snow of this season came and we had to change our plans, because hiking has to be fun, not only climbing peaks! So, we moved to Bucegi mountains, where we had also snow, but a much friendly one. In … (>>>)

Explore Romania, enjoy mountains and culture

In brief, it was like this: we all enjoyed a two week tour in Romania, yes in Romania, meaning that we explored half of the country, driving, walking and tasting delicious food! In detail, we were in Bucharest, Sinaia, Bucegi mountains, Simon mountain village, Brasov city, Fagaras mountains, Balea Lake, Ucea de Sus village, Sibiu, Sighisoara, Gura Humorului and painted monasteries from that area and finally back to Bucharest. It was a tour with all the necessary ingredients, sun, some rain, lovely landscapes, good jokes and most im… (>>>)

Cross country skiing in Transylvanian Alps

Habitués des raids à ski nordique ou alpin sous (presque) toutes les latitudes, nous souhaitions cette fois explorer les Carpates roumaines. Nous n’en connaissions guère plus que les créatures fantastiques qui peuplent notre imaginaire collectif quand on évoque la Transylvanie.

Il nous fallait donc trouver un guide local. Nous avons découvert ton site, cher Iulian, et avons été séduits par le professionnalisme qui s’en dégageait. Après quelques échanges efficaces qui ont confirmé notre première impression, nous avons sign… (>>>)

The high trails of the Carpathians on mountain bike

We ended a long and consistent season of mountain biking with an extended Transylvanian Alps tour, together with a cheerful group of Belgian bikers. We rode across Ciucas Mountains, Grohotisului and Baiului Mountains, the mighty Bucegi Massif, and the impressive Piatra Craiului.

Long ascents, even longer descents, endless trails. Mountain biking as it should be. Come and taste it for yourself in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains! Horia, September 2016(>>>)

Bucegi traversing, Old border hiking

When a Australian couple want to go home, they still travel. This was doing Zac and his friends, at the end of three years stay in UK. They were going home travelling from country to country, and they stop for few days hiking in Bucegi mountains, South East of Transylvania. Weather was fantastic, and our traverse of Bucegi was done smoothly and dry! Enjoy the photos, Iulian, Sept 2016

I would highly recommend this company. Iulian provided for us a personalized itinerary of hiking through the Transylvanian mountains and villages. The sc… (>>>)