Schlagwort: bucegi

Skitouren im Rumänischen Gebirge

Well, winter is here, winter was here! I mean last week, 5-12 March 2011, was really winter, with strong winds, below zero temperatures and not the last good snow! Now the temperatures are over zero, but is still OK.

Our tour start in Bucegi mountains, where the weather was bad but good for skiing, if is possible to say something like this! Visibility was not great, BUT the snow was more than great! We have between 30-40 cm of fresh snow, and we enjoyed very much some runs from Tataru peak and Strungile mici peak, down to Cabana Padina, where w… (>>>)

Ski touring in Bucegi mountains


well, I can say that was a great weekend for a ski tour in Bucegi mountains, and it was. Even if at 7 AM were -25 Celsius, during the day was just nice to be outside on snow. And was enough snow, even that on the main ski resorts from Romania snow is still missing!

Saturday I was with 2 friends skiing on West part of Bucegi mountains, and we really enjoy this! Sunday morning I went up to Bucegi plateau to meet my wife Rosana, and Mihai and Alex went to Omu peak to ski down on Cerbului valley. They had a nice ski descent on Cerbului valley towa… (>>>)

Winter hiking in South West of Transylvania

Greetings! at the begin of January 2011, together with 4 young persons, I did a nice winter hike on the hills situated between Piatra Craiului and Bucegi mountains, on South East part of Transylvania. They celebrate the New Year’s Eve in Bucharest, then travel to Predeal and Brasov, and were start our tour on morning of  4th of January. Our tour was a easy walking and hiking tour, but quite long I can say, because daily we cover a distance of approximate 20 km, from one location to other.

And like this, we start from Zarnesti town goin… (>>>)

Walking in Romania, walk with Crumblies Walking Club

Crumblies in Bucegi Mountains – Having walked and climbed in India, Africa, Slovakia, Czech Republik, Morocco and all over the UK, Crumblies Walking Club (UK) turned their attentions to Romania in early October 2010. We have had a terrific holiday and walking adventure in the Bucegi Mountains and the hills of Bran and Prahova, all thanks to Iulian Cozma and the team at Iulian Cozma outdoor adventures! An ideal programme for a group of 16 walkers of mixed abilities, with just the right blend of tough and steady routes to keep us entertai… (>>>)

Mountainbiking in Rumänien

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem neuen, aufregenden Mountainbike Erlebnis? Eines das Sie vom normalen Weg abbringt, frei von Touristen aber trotzdem in Reichweite ist? Sehnen Sie sich nach einer fesselnden Tour durch einer wilden, unberührten Landschaft, mit zahlreichen Flowpunkten aber auch mit Fahrten über Fels und Wurzel? Oder nach gemütlichen Unterkünften mit tollem Essen und professioneller Führung und Organisation?

Willkommen in Siebenbürgens Südkarpaten, Rumänien, ein echtes Märchenland für Mountainbike Enth… (>>>)