Kategorie: Wandern referenzen, Erlebnistouren in Rumänien

Backpacking in Romania

Testimonial from Fagaras and Bucegi hikes June 16-23, 2013:

I have been backpacking in the US for about 20 years. I have hiked in Montana, Wyoming, Northern California, and most of New England, as well as trekking in Peru. I have to say my experience in Romania in the Fagaras and Bucegi ranges was equal to or better than any other trip before.

Beginning with our first inquiries with our guide Iuli, my girlfriend Ana Wolf and I were extremely pleased with Iuli’s clear, honest and helpful responses to all of our questions. His English … (>>>)

Backpacking Fagaras mountains

If you want to backpack in the Transylvania Alps there is no better guide to go with than Iulian Cozma! In every way, from beginning to end Iulian is fun, reliable, skilled, trustworthy and kind. Right from the start, during the email process of figuring out dates, itinerary, and equipment I could feel Iulian’s warmth and knowledge coming through the internet.

During the trip he was the perfect guide, showing us bears from a distance, spotting snakes on the trail, telling us about the history of the trail and his country and region. He wa… (>>>)

I highly recommend Iulian as a guide

What an awesome way to experience the natural parts of Romania! I have been living in Romania for 10 months and my general experience is that Romanians are not high on customer service, but Iulian is definitely an exception. Our trip was well-planned in terms of accommodations, walking routes, meals, and points of interest. Iulian paid close attention to our group’s needs and was flexible when plans changed abruptly just 2 days before the planned start. The scenery was spectacular and the distances matched our abilities well. He cho… (>>>)

Großen Dank für diese wunderbaren acht Tage im Piatra Mare, Bucegi und Königstein

Lieber Iulian, großen Dank für diese wunderbaren acht Tage im Piatra Mare, Bucegi und Königstein. Nachdem wir letztes Jahr ausschließlich im Fagaras-Gebirge unterwegs waren, habe ich es dieses Jahr genossen, durch die sehr verschiedenen Landschaften zu streifen. Dass der auch für dieses Jahr geplante Abstecher in das Fagaras-Gebirge wetterbedingt nicht möglich war, hat sich als glückliche Fügung erwiesen. Denn das dadurch möglich gewordene Durchwandern der vielen kleinen  – sehr friedvollen – Dörfer zwis… (>>>)

Thank you for such a lovely trip

Thank you for organizing such smooth transfers, information, and for providing us with a friendly guide.

It has been months since Alex and I returned from our European holiday, and still we smile with fond memories of mountains covered in flowers and berries eaten off low hanging shrubs. The tiny strawberry bush we have in our garden reminds us of the wild-berries that Mihai showed us on our walk. Although they are no where near as good. The walks that Mihai took us on were memorable. It is only now that i am preparing to print our holiday ph… (>>>)

Walking in Bucegi mountains

Sometimes you don’t need 11 days to enjoy the Carpathian mountains. Last week we had enough of the grey sky in Bucharest and Iulian organized for us a one day hike on top of Bucegi mountains from Sinaia to the Caraiman cross.

We started at the cable car in the fog but once on the top we had a great day with blue sky and a sea of clouds in the valley.

We enjoyed every moments of our 5 hours hike before to drive back to Bucharest.

This was for us a confirmation that a two hours drive is enough to enjoy a day in paradise!!

Beth and Marc Desenfans, Buc… (>>>)

I would definitely recommend this company

The trip was really well-organised and Mihai was a great guide. The scenery was beautiful and varied, the accommodation very comfortable. I would definitely recommend this company – they are reliable, professional, knowledgeable and friendly.

Anne-Claire Harrison, England, October 2012… (>>>)

Romania blessed us with beautiful weather, spectacular mountain vistas and delicious food

Two weeks in Romania and our time spent with Iulian was our most memorable. What a challenge! How to organize a successful family hiking trip for grandparents, parents and kids? Iulian pulled it off masterfully! We were all challenged to our limits (except maybe my husband and I who are dreaming of returning to Romania to do some bigger mountains and some ski touring in the powdery Romanian snow) It was a wonderful family bonding experience. Especially for the grandparents and grandkids. Romania blessed us with beautiful weather, sp… (>>>)

Danke auch für die wundervollen Fotos

Lieber Iulian,

danke für den gelungenen Einstieg in die rumänische Bergwelt im September. Ich habe die Zeit im Fagaras-Gebirge als sehr wohltuend empfunden, war beglückt von der – so sehr ersehnten – Stille und den großartigen Ausblicken. Auch wenn ich oft müde und angestrengt war, habe ich jeden einzelnen Tag genossen. Ich bin sehr froh, einen so kompetenten, gut organisierten und liebenswürdigen Bergführer gehabt zu haben. Besonders beeindruckt haben mich Deine Fürsorglichkeit und Umsicht und dass Du wie selbstverständli… (>>>)

2 Tagesreise mit Mihai

Hallo, Herr Iulian,

wir möchten Ihnen mitteilen das unsere 2 Tagesreise mit Mihai war sehr schön und interesant die Karpaten waren für uns sehr erlebnisreich.

Liebe Grüße aus Mannheim, Wipfler Ingeborg, Nuber Rudolf – photos here… (>>>)