Kategorie: Wandern referenzen, Erlebnistouren in Rumänien

Four ladies from Bayern have spent unforgettable holidays in Transylvania

We, four ladies from Bayern/Germany, have spent unforgettable holidays in Transylvania thanks to our mountain guide Iulian Cozma. Our tour started with a warm-up tour over the hills from Moeciu de Sus and Simon followed by moderated tours over the Bucegi Mountain and Piatra Craiului National Park. Before we started climbing the Fagaras Mountains from the town Victoria. We spent two nights at the Podragu chalet and from there we climbed on the top of Moldoveanu and Vistea peaks.

From the beginning, with the first email contact with I… (>>>)

Frauen aus Bayern verbrachten unvergessliche Urlaubstage in Siebenbürgen

Wir, d.h. vier Frauen aus Bayern/Deutschland, verbrachten unvergessliche Urlaubstage in Siebenbürgen dank unseres Bergführers Iulian Cozma. Unsere Tour startete mit einer Warm-up-Tour über die Berglandschaft von Moeciu de Sus und Simon. Gefolgt von „moderaten“ Touren im Bucegi Gebirge und Piatra Craiului Nationalpark. Ehe wir am vierten Tag von Victoria Town ins Fagaras Gebirge aufstiegen. Wir verbrachten zwei Nächte auf der Podragu-Hütte, von wo aus wir den Moldoveanu und den Vistea Mare eroberten.

Von Anfang an, vom er… (>>>)

Hemos hecho buenas caminatas por los Cárpatos guiados por Iulian

Nuestro grupo de amigos, buenos conocedores de los Pirineos y habituales de Ribes de Freser, ha hecho un agradable descubrimiento de Rumania. Hemos hecho buenas caminatas por los Cárpatos guiados por Iulian. Él nos ha llevado a través de parajes muy bonitos, grandes bosques y montañas. Además de las montañas nos ha hecho conocer la riqueza cultural del país, así como pedazos de su historia. Y no podemos olvidar las buenas cenas en lugares muy entrañables y acompañadas por excelentes vinos de Rumania. En nombre de todo el grupo, mucha… (>>>)

Catalan hikers in Romania

El nostre grup d’amics, bons coneixedors dels Pirineus i habituals de Ribes de Freser, ha fet una agradable descoberta de Romania. Hem fet bones caminades pels Carpats guiats per en Iulian. Ell ens ha dut a través de paratges molt bonics, grans boscos i muntanyes. A demés de les muntanyes ens ha fet conèixer la riquesa cultural del país, així com bocins de la seva historia. I no podem oblidar els bons sopars en llocs molt entranyables i acompanyats per excel·lents vins de Romania. En nom de tota la colla, moltes gràcies, Iulian, i a reveur… (>>>)

Endurance hiking in Fagaras mountains with Arnon from Israel

Iulian – I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the most wonderful hike I have ever had! These full 2 days of hiking in the Fagaras ridge is going to be one of the best memories I’ll keep for the rest of my life… In these awesome, untouched terrain of 2500+ peaks (Moldoveanu, Negoiu) , surrounded by clouds, watching over breathtaking landscape, you guided me through all the way in the most professional manner! After so many years as full-time hiking-guide, you are familiar with every detail of the trails, every stone, ever… (>>>)

Arnon from Israel on hiking tour in Romania

יוליאן – אני רוצה להודות לך מעומק ליבי על הטראק הטוב ביותר שהיה לי! יומיים מלאים של מסע רגלי ברכס הפגאראש יהיה ככל הנראה אחד מהזיכרונות הטובים ביותר בחיי… על פני קרקע נפלאים ובתוליים בגובה של מעל ל-2500 מטר (כולל הפסגות המופלאות של המולדובאן, והנגויו), מוקפים בעננים, משקיפים לעבר נוף עוצר נשימה, אתה הנחית אותי כל הדרך באופן המקצועי ביותר! אחרי כל-כך הרבה שנים כמדריך הרים מוסמך, אתה מכיר כל פרט במסלול, כל אבן, כל פניה וכל נחל נסתר. מודע היטב לכל שכיית-חמדה או סכנה אפשרית, ועדיין מלא תשוקה לעסוק במקצוע אותו אתה כל-כך אוהב! ציפיתי לעבוד ק… (>>>)

I visited Romania and I’ve got only good impressions after the tour

Hi Iulian, Thank you for the concerns! My way back to home was well, only in Moscow I had to pedal a little. About the tour everything was just fine. May be the weather was not very good few days. But we managed to make the schedule more versatile so we hadn’t lost much time because of the weather. Many thanks to Christian for that. As well as for the little interesting excursions in different places and few cities across the country and for the good guiding. It was the first time I visited Romania and I’ve got only good impressions … (>>>)

Ne-a aratat ca Romania chiar e frumoasa si sunt Romani foarte frumosi

Tura cu Iulian Cozma. 7 zile. In Fagarasi. Si totul a inceput cu un pranz Romanesc la bunica acasa, in Ucea de Sus. Am fost un grup mixt in ce priveste aceasta activitate. Unii cu experienta in Tibet iar eu deloc. Iulian a invatat repde cum sa ne ghideze, cat si ce poate fiecare. Toti ne-am bucurat de aventura, de emotii, de surprize, de munte, iar unii chiar si de raul de inaltime in drum spre varful Moldoveanul. Iulian te face sa intelegi muntele, iti arata cum sa il cunosti, cum sa te comporti cu el. Ne-a aratat ca Romania chiar e frumoasa si su… (>>>)

Merci encore à Horia, fantastique guide plein d’humanité et de bons conseils!

Nous avons fait un merveilleux trekking de 2 semaines grâce à Iulian Cozma et son équipe.

Tout s’est très bien passé: précis tout en étant en même temps simple. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié l’écoute du guide (Horia) et l’adaptabilité du programme si notre niveau ne correspondait pas au programme prévu. Le trekking devait avant tout être du plaisir!

Rencontres authentiques avec des bergers et le peuple roumain, paysages époustouflants, sensations fortes, moments pour se retrouver, tout cela était a… (>>>)

Hiking in the Romanian Alps was surreal

Truly breath taking

Hiking in the Romanian Alps was surreal. We ascended into the mountains and had lunch on the top of a mountain as the clouds rolled in from the valley below. Being able to see Iulian’s home made the trip personal and allowed a peek into Romanian culture and life. The views, fresh air, and incredible flowers that covered the mountainsides were breathtaking!!

While Iulian offers pure backcountry summer and winter treks for the hardy, we had an eclectic group of 30- to 60- year olds who appreciated a shower, robus… (>>>)