Nous revenons juste d’une semaine de randonnee avec Iulian et sommes ravis: d’abord, Iulian est tres sympathique et c’est tres agreable d’etre avec lui. La conversation avec lui est tres interessante et il nous apprend beaucoup de choses “de l’interieur” sur la Roumanie. Ensuite, les Fageras sont des montagnes tres attachantes, encore tres sauvages. On y trouve ce qu’il n’est presque plus possible de voir en France ou en Suisse: d’immenses troupeaux de moutons, de vrais bergers, et des refuges tout a fait authentiques. En hiver, c… (>>>)
Kategorie: Wandern referenzen, Erlebnistouren in Rumänien
Bucegi, Piatra Craiului, Fagaras Gebirgstour
Lieber Julian, ich möchte mich für die 14 Tage in den Karpaten herzlich bedanken. Die Wanderungen durch die Berge waren ein wirklich beeindruckendes Erlebnis. Für uns aus dem norddeutschen Flachland war es toll so durch das fremde land geführt zu werden. Wir werden Dich gerne wieder besuchen und deine Führung geniessen. Durch dich haben wir mehr vom Land gesehen und erlebt, als wenn wir alleine die Wege gegangen wären. Auch waren unsere ausführlichen Diskussionen über Land, Leute und Politik wichtig, um Verständnis für die Mensc… (>>>)
Fagaras Gebirgstour
Wir sind ein Ehepaar aus Norddeutschland. Wir verbrachten eine sehr eindrucksvolle Woche in Siebenbuergen, in welcher wir die Stadt Brasov/Kronstadt kennen lernten und eine Hochgebirgswanderung in den Fagerasch-Bergen machten. Bei dieser Wanderung wurden wir von Julian Cozma gefuehrt, und ohne seine Fuehrung haetten wir diese aufregende und anstrengende Wanderung nicht bewaeltigen koennen. Julian zeigte sich nicht nur als ein sehr erfahrener Leiter, der jeden Pfad und man kann sagen jeden Schritt in dieser Bergwelt ken… (>>>)
Enjoying hiking in Romania
Iulian was our guide for a trip in June, 2006. We can recommend him wholeheartedly. Iulian has the “Big 4″ characteristics of a great guide – safety first, – his client’s enjoyment 24/7, – an intimate knowledge of the area – and flexibility. From the moment we first made contact almost 2 years ago via email, Iulian has provided us with all the information we needed in a timely manner. As soon as we met, he quickly sized up the physical abilities of our group, our expectations and integrated that into the area we were headed to and put together … (>>>)
Polish hiker in Romania
Moldoveanu 10.06.2004, Piatra Craiului 31.03.2006. It was my second meeting with Julian. The first one was in June 2004, I was determinate to hiking to Moldoveanu and I had only two days to do it (break in the business trip). First of all I fall in sleep (it happened first time in my live) and we lost the train but it wasn’t a problem because Julian found another way of transportation. During the first day of tracking we had a very nice weather conditions but during the evening started to rain, during the night an early morning next day it was e… (>>>)
Roumanie authentique hors des clichés et la Roumanie
Nous avons passé neuf jours mémorables en compagnie de Iulian dans les montagnes de Piatra Craiului, chez les bergers, dans les Fagaras et dans sa famille à Ucea de Sus. Iulian est très connaissant des montagnes (il connaît chaque détour et chaque roche par son prénom…) et avait une approche sécuritaire et discrète. Tout était organisé au quart de tour sans aucune inquiétude. Grâce à son sens de l’humour et à sa jovialité, nous avons eu l’impression de faire un trek avec un ami. Il nous a beaucoup appris sur les us et coutumes roumaines, l… (>>>)
Walking in nature in Romania
Hello Iulian, thanks for the photos. We finally saw some romainian rain when we were waiting to board the plane. The bus took us directly to the airport and we were there far too early, but better than too late. Thank you for giving us a wonderful holiday, both you and Radu are lovely people, we enjoyed your company and kindness, but most of all your profesialism as mountain leaders. All of the accomodation was excellent and the food like the brandy MAGIC!!!! Because after two glasses your legs dissapear. Thank you again for everything we w… (>>>)
Hiking in Retezat national park
We enjoyed our recent visit to the mountains of Romania immensely. Iulian was a great host and guide for our two-week visit, which included hiking in the Fagarash and Retezat Mountains and Bucegi Plateau. He was professional and well-organized throughout the trip, from the dining and sleeping arrangements at each of the chalets to the perfect timing of the comfortable bus meeting us at the trailheads. Each day of hiking led us to incredible views and Iulian’s companionship and knowledge of the region added a lot to our enjoyment. I’m … (>>>)
Walking with British people in Romania
Dear Iulian, Good to hear from you and thank you for the great photo’s I need not have bothered taking my camera it’s extra weight no doubt slowed me down! The trip was really great giving us an insight into Romania, the sights, Sinaia, Brasov, Sighisoara and Sibiu and not forgetting the main reason for our visit, the mountains, the varied accommodation gave just the right mixture. Your personality, input, and patience made the trip so much more enjoyable and I particularly thank you for your kindness to daughter Susie and being so carin… (>>>)
Hiking in beautiful Romania
Julian, Thanks so much for making this trip a great adventure, plus for the extra efforts you made on our behalf for taxis, accommodation and changes the plans. We would love to come back and experience more of Romania . We’ll look forward to the posting of your pictures.
Patrick and Suzanne Feeney, USA , July-August 2005… (>>>)