Kategorie: Wandern referenzen, Erlebnistouren in Rumänien

I visited Romania on a tour organised by Iulian Cozma

I visited Romania on a tour organised by Iulian Cozma to his homeland, a country largely fresh and un-exploited by tourism. My advice would be to visit while it is still such good value for money. The people are friendly, the food and wine excellent, the sights intriguing, and the scenery breathtaking.

Terry Ashton. may 2001… (>>>)

Isreali hikers in the Carpathians

My father, my brother and I spent eight fully magically & excited days in Romania during the last September with Horia’s accompany and guidance, I will be glad to share with you our great experience, but first I wish to thanks you from the bottom of my heartת for more than two years of friendship, since the moment we first contacted you, and till the travel while we could always feel your fingerprint.

Horia, our hiking guide, opened for us a window to Romania, every day he leaded us professionally at Bucegi, Fagaras and Piatra mare mou… (>>>)