Habitués des raids à ski nordique ou alpin sous (presque) toutes les latitudes, nous souhaitions cette fois explorer les Carpates roumaines. Nous n’en connaissions guère plus que les créatures fantastiques qui peuplent notre imaginaire collectif quand on évoque la Transylvanie.
Il nous fallait donc trouver un guide local. Nous avons découvert ton site, cher Iulian, et avons été séduits par le professionnalisme qui s’en dégageait. Après quelques échanges efficaces qui ont confirmé notre première impression, nous avons sign… (>>>)
You can still find unspoilt mountain territory in Europe, where ski touring, split-boarding, free-ride skiing and snowshoeing can be done on pure wild slopes, without ski lifts, high alpine roads or parking lots in sight.
Grab your gear and come for a winter outdoor adventure up in the Carpathian Mountains, South Transylvania, Romania.
The mountains around Brasov historical city offer great opportunities both for the relaxed ski tourers, and the more adventurous free-ride skiers. There are easy to moderate slopes in Bucegi Mou… (>>>)
Well, I can start this snow report very simple. We were doing some ski tours on a ski resort, but the reality is coming when we saw how much snow was near the slopes or on the forest. And snow start to be bigger and bigger.
After a hiking, biking and walking summer season, when sometime we pray for a rain, the winter start without big promises for our 100 mm wide skis. But I was thinking: well, Summer was great, no rain, very nice weather, so I enjoy it, then winter have to be beautiful, if you can say beautiful when you speak about winter 😉 For my fe… (>>>)