Tag: Rododendron

Hiking Fagaras mountains, enjoy hiking

This one of those tours what can be described very easy, but photos will do. Was a calm tour from all points of view, weather, pace, talks and landscapes. We start from Valea Sambetei and ended in Ucea de Sus village, hiking of of the most nicest part of Fagaras mountains, the main ridge from Sambata to Podragu, and Tarata north ridge. Even was almost end of July, plenty of Rododendron flowers surrounding us, blue sky and nice atmosphere. We spent last day swimming in Victoria’s town beautiful swimming pool, eating fish eggs on a fish farm, … (>>>)

Hiking in Bucegi and Fagaras mountains, explore Carpathian mountains

First they came in Romania for business and then they start to explore the mountains. Are a group of 6-7 friends, coming from Holland for the second time hiking in Romania. First time they were surprised how much snow we can get in April on the high hills of Bran county, but the tour was ok. After three years they returned for some more days, so we enjoyed Bucegi and Fagaras mountains. And we really enjoy the tours, because the weather was just perfect for hiking and as usual at end of May, the alpine flowers were beautiful to see! Looking forwa… (>>>)

Rumäniens Landschaft während einer Wandertour im Gebirge Siebenbürgens bewundern

Anja ist zum 2. Mal ins Rumänische Gebirge gekommen und hat eine unvergessliche Tour gehabt. Das erste Mal war Sie im September 2012. Damals haben wir einen großen Teil des Kammes der Fagaras Gebirge, die Alpen Siebenbürgens, durchquert. Beendet haben wir die Wanderung in der Nähe der Berghütte Barcaciu, wo wir Preiselbeeren direkt vom Strauch gegessen haben. Dieses Jahr haben wir die Tour mit dem Überqueren des Piatra Mare Gebirges begonnen. Aus der Nähe der Stadt Brașov, ging es bis an den Fuß des Bucegi Gebirges, in das Bergdorf P… (>>>)