Tag: enjoy nature

Bucegi and Fagaras mountains with Italian hikers

We have planned with our Italian friends a week-long traverse of the Southern Carpathians in July 2018, starting in Sinaia, across Bucegi, than along the main section of the Fagaras ridge, from Sambata to Negoiu.

After a good start in Bucegi mountains, the weather turned for the bad when we moved to Fagaras mountains. Instead of the main ridge traverse, we opted for some easier treks in the lower altitudes, at Negoiu and Barcaciu, but also an attempt towards Moldoveanu Peak via Turnuri and Podragu. We may not have the joy of breathing t… (>>>)

Swedes enjoying the Carpathian mountains

Sometimes it is simply better to let our guests tell the story. Without much ado, here it is:

“We are a group of four Swedes who love exploring different countries and especially the mountains and the country side on bike, by foot and on skies. This year we decided to travel to Romania to test the Carpathians on mountain bikes. The expectations were set high after reading the web page and the professional contact with Horia and Iulian before arriving in Romaina. And indeed, the Carpathians and our experiences during the week didn’… (>>>)

Walking holiday in Transylvania, the Italian story

From time to time, some Italian mountain clubs are comin to Romania for a trip. I think they want to compare the Carpathian mountains with the Dolomiti or The Alps, and for most of them, the surprise is a lovely one!

This summer, a group of walkers from CAI Mirano Venetia, came one week tour, in middle of July, one of the hottest months from summer of 2016. We enjoyed good weather in Bucegi, Piatra Craiului national park and the high hills of Rucar Bran pass, but also the delicious food from our hosts in the mountains.

We hiked the hills and mead… (>>>)

Traverse of Bucegi mountains, hiking in Transylvania

I would highly recommend this company. Iulian provided for us a personalised itinerary of hiking through the Transylvanian mountains and villages. The scenery was picturesque and the tour was very well organised and run. Thanks again Iulian!

Zac Lowth, Australia, Sept 2016

A verywell organised trip, great local food (especially the soup and rice dessert) beautiful scenary and an excellent guide. Iulian has excellent local knowledge and is very professional. Iulian has excellent english and is a very good communicator with a gr… (>>>)

My dad loved the Carpathian mountains – Belgium hikers in Romania

Wanting to learn more about the region my father grew up, I travelled once more to Transylvania, this time with my partner who loves mountains and adventures. Since it was the first time for me to do a hike, I contacted Iulian and asked for help. We agreed on a 3-day trip in the Făgăraș Mountains.

We spend 10 days in Transylvania by ourself with family and friends from Boița. Then the big day of departure in the mountains was there…

Horia picked us up in Boița and we went to Avrig where we left the car and started to climb up to Cabana Bârcaciu. G… (>>>)