We started this ski touring weekend for friends back in 2012, and since then we are honoring this nice tradition every winter. During these eight years some people have left the group, others joined later, and some are part of the adventure from the very beginning. We’ve had brilliant powder snow, or spring slush, freezing cold in bitter blizzard or nice, warm temperatures while skiing among spring crocuses. In the last couple of years we’ve extended the event with some training days, either in the forests of Postavaru o… (>>>)
We ended a long and consistent season of mountain biking with an extended Transylvanian Alps tour, together with a cheerful group of Belgian bikers. We rode across Ciucas Mountains, Grohotisului and Baiului Mountains, the mighty Bucegi Massif, and the impressive Piatra Craiului.
Long ascents, even longer descents, endless trails. Mountain biking as it should be. Come and taste it for yourself in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains!
Horia, September 2016… (>>>)
The spectacular mountain ridges of the South Carpathian Mountains, stretching from East to West on the Southern limit of Transylvania, Romania, marked the historical border between the Central European great powers and the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire.
Physical borders, as well as empires, are a thing of the past. Cultural and historical heritage, though, are still present. The German order and efficiency is nicely completed by the Oriental relaxed attitude. You can see it in the way the houses are built, streets aligned, public se… (>>>)
About Sigge and Mike I’ve heard last year. They were described as mountainbikers with very good tehnical skills so that made me pretty much eager to meet them. And I just say this: It all worthed. This year they came with Thomas and we rode the Carpathian Expert Ride wich is the most difficult tour offered by MTBtours.ro – and Mountainguide.ro in Romania at this point. I had big expectations from the whole trip but I have to confess: the tour and the way of riding was so much beyond my dreams.
Sheila was having something for what some of us just dream, one month ski holiday in Europe. Well, I can start this story back in 2009, when we start to talk about Romanian mountains, traverse of Fagaras main ridge. in Summer of course. After two years, in September 2011 we did the Fagaras main traverse, in just 5 days, excellent tour. You may see the photos here. Well, after the hike we did in Fagaras, and why not, after the photos from my ski touring tours I send to Sheila, she decided that one week from the four weeks skiing holiday in Europe, … (>>>)
Some people do not even look for ski tour in Ciucas mountains,the are not so big, not big skiing there, and in a way is true. But even taking in consideration this facts, a ski touring day there offer very nice skiing, on lovely landscapes. Slopes are not so big, maximum 200 m difference, but the quality of the snow is one of the best in the region.
Are you looking for a new mountain biking destination? One that is off the beaten path, uncrowded, but still within reach? With raw, natural trails that combine flow sections with demanding rock and root gardens? With warm accommodations, great food and experienced guiding and organisation?
Welcome to The Carpathian Mountains in South Transylvania, Romania, a true wonderland for mountain biking aficionados.
Highlights:Pure alpine territory: Bucegi Natural Park, Piatra Craiului National Park, Postavaru, Ciucas Mountain… (>>>)