Tag: carpathian mountains

Hiking with dear friends in the Fagaras Mountains, summer 2022

With Helmut and Andi, the two brothers from Arad, who emigrated many years ago to Germany, and their gang of friends, we went to the mountains of Romania twice, to Piatra Craiului and Bucegi, as well as to the Macin mountains and the Danube Delta. And now we have chosen together the Fagaras mountains.

Our tour started at the Barcaciu hut, where the hutkeepers welcomed us as guests. We spent the next 2 nights at the newly renovated Negoiu hut (hats off for what you did there Marian and Roxana), climbing the Fagaras ridge, and enjoying Transy… (>>>)

Ski tour in Transylvania, Carpathian mountains

Seit Jahren stand es im Raum, dass wir mal in den Karpaten Skitouren gehen. 2017 war der Entschluss endlich gefasst und uns war klar: das machen wir mangels Orts- und Schneelagenkenntnis mit einem lokalen Guide. Nach kurzer Recherche und Kontaktaufnahme war die Wahl für Iulian leicht getroffen.

Ende Februar 2018 dann zu fünft per Flug von München nach Sibiu und von da an waren wir rundum betreut mit Fahrten, Unterkünften, Essen, Rundgängen zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, etc. Wir waren erst etwas skeptisch, denn wir hatten genau die Woche … (>>>)

Mountain biking in Brasov city area and Bucegi mountains

If there is something unique about mountain biking in Brasov, Romania, it’s the diversity of landscape and trails you can experience in a relatively small area. It’s always a pleasure to see the excitement of our guests when they witness with their own eyes the smooth transition from forest to alpine teritory, from limestone to conglomerate rock formations, from busy mountain resorts to quiet pastures. from high ridges down to mountain gorges.

Bucegi Circuit, our most popular six-days mountain biking tour, offers g… (>>>)

Hiking in Bucegi mountains, rhododendron tour in Transylvanian Alps

Simple things are the best! Was a tour what I do almost every year and I enjoyed a lot each time! This time was just two days but was nice!

Enjoy the photos, Iulian, Iunie 2015

We spent two great days with Iulian, hiking in the Bucegi mountains. Bringing together a group of friends for an unusual hiking experience actually was not an easy task, with all the individual wishes, appointments, holiday plans, work issues and a bit of indecisiveness here and there. Iulian was a great help there, being flexible with the dates, the planning and quic… (>>>)

Walking in Carpathian mountains, Romania

Autumn is almost here, but we still enjoy warm days and blue sky! The tour presented here was done on the famous area of Bran village, on the high hills from this area, on the region of Poarta, Simon and Moeciu de Sus mountain villages, and not the last in Piatra Craiului national park.

Moritz, a German young man, who’s working in Bucharest since 4 years, was visited by his mother, and he take the opportunity of beautiful autumn days to show to his mother the beauty of the Romanian country side.

As always, our host was mrs. Minerva, who d… (>>>)