Tag: alpi della Transilvania

Bucegi and Fagaras mountains with Italian hikers

We have planned with our Italian friends a week-long traverse of the Southern Carpathians in July 2018, starting in Sinaia, across Bucegi, than along the main section of the Fagaras ridge, from Sambata to Negoiu.

After a good start in Bucegi mountains, the weather turned for the bad when we moved to Fagaras mountains. Instead of the main ridge traverse, we opted for some easier treks in the lower altitudes, at Negoiu and Barcaciu, but also an attempt towards Moldoveanu Peak via Turnuri and Podragu. We may not have the joy of breathing t… (>>>)

Cross country skiing in the Bucegi Mountains, Transylvania – March 17/25, 2018

At the end of March snow Gods were on our side, snow was enough and good quality for our cross country skiing tour in Bucegi and Postavaru mountains. The group of happy people from Genova enjoy the tour all the time, despite the weather conditions, low visibility, cold and windy, but hey, is March, is winter! We use the gps to find the Sphinx of Bucegi, but we find it, so foggy was up there! Enjoy the photos, Iulian, March 2018

Testimonial: Neve , neve e ancora neve!!! una forte perturbazione ha interessato la Romania durante la nostra vacan… (>>>)

CAI Mirano on a trip to Transylvania

Ciao Iulian, grazie per la bellissima settimana (10-16 luglio 2016) che con gli altri amici del Club Alpino Italiano abbiamo trascorso con te in Transilvania. Luoghi meravigliosi, ospitalità cordiale e, specialmente, la tua ottima capacità di condurre il gruppo e di provvedere ad ogni nostra necessità, con una disponibilità e un’attenzione davvero eccezionali. Spero si possa combinare per qualche altra avventura insieme, ancora sui Carpazi o magari sul delta del Danubio. A presto dunque, buona montagna e buona vita! G(>>>)

Sci alpinismo in Carpazi Rumeni

Traveling on this days for skiing or hiking is more than traveling, is also a opportunity to know a different country, different people, find more about a different culture and why not to enjoy a active holiday in a ex-communist country 🙂

At least these are most of the reasons for the people from country like Switzerland, Italy or Germany, because they are quite close to The Alps. BUT. I’ve been in Swiss Alps for ski touring 2 times, last time in February 2011, and was great, but know I understand what persons who are traveling in Romanian Ca… (>>>)