Hiking Fagaras main ridge, Romanian mountains – meeting high expectations

Things looked pretty difficult when Linda told me, upon arrival, that this trip to Romania was presented to her as “the best hiking trip one can have””. Not before mentioning, as a side note, that she had traveled across the continents, seeing most the world known attractions around the globe :-). In between trips, she was living in a quiet island, famous around the world for harbouring the capital city of British Columbia, Canada.

That’s what I’d call high expectations, I told myself while driving towards the mountains.

So what do you do, when you have a mountain to climb? You start with the first step, then put one leg after the other, and before you know it you realize you are building momentum. Linda proved soon to be a resilient trekker, a fine connoisseur of mountains, plants, flowers, bugs, and generally a pleasant companion with a genuine interest for the Romanian history and culture. We trekked the main plateau of Bucegi, then moved to the Fagaras ridge, over the main peaks of the Transylvanian Alps (Moldoveanu, Negoiu). Setting our own pace, we rushed through the trails – quietly enjoying significant faster day-trip times than our neighboring groups of fellow trekkers.

In the end it proved to be a great experience, and maybe it was not really the best hiking trip ever for Linda, but – according to her own words – it did came pretty close.

Horia, August 2015