Skitouren im Rumänischen Gebirge

Well, winter is here, winter was here! I mean last week, 5-12 March 2011, was really winter, with strong winds, below zero temperatures and not the last good snow! Now the temperatures are over zero, but is still OK.

Our tour start in Bucegi mountains, where the weather was bad but good for skiing, if is possible to say something like this! Visibility was not great, BUT the snow was more than great! We have between 30-40 cm of fresh snow, and we enjoyed very much some runs from Tataru peak and Strungile mici peak, down to Cabana Padina, where we eat some of the most tasty food from our trip!
After Bucegi we travel to Brasov, enjoy a visit thru this beautiful city in Transylvania, and THEN we moved our camp to Fagaras mountains!
Here the snow and weather were just perfect … for one day, because on our last skiing trip the visibility was not so great, and we decide to go down from Fagaras mountains with one day earlier.
All in one I can say that the trip was a nice experience for Hans and his friends from Augsburg – Germany.
I have to add, that during our trip we visited 2 Transylvanian villages, as always on my trips Ucea de Sus – my grandmother village, and Porumbacu de Sus – our driver, Tavi, village! I think that these two visits was adding some more flavor to our skiing trip! And not the last, one night was spent in Sighisoara medieval town, what is Hans home town!
Enjoy the photos!

Kind regards,
Iulian Cozma
March 15, 2011 from Ialomita valley in Bucegi mountains

Abbiamo avuto una splendida settimana,con neve,gelo ed un splendido sole nei monti Bucegi e Fägäras.Iulian ha organizzato una settimana perfetta,presentandoci non solo le montagne,ma anche la vita e l`ospitalita del paese. Con Tavi abbiamo avuto un autista simpaticissimmo!
Grazie per una splendida settimana in Romania!
Dr Hans Flechtenmacher e Anna, Christoph I, Christoph II, Helmut, Willi

Mit großer Vorfreude haben wir die Reise nach Rumänien angetreten. Wir waren psychisch, physisch ausrüstungstechnisch auf alles vorbereitet, aber keiner wusste, was uns dort erwartet. Erwartet haben wir abenteuerliche Landschaften, wilde Tiere und pures Abenteuer. Alle unsere Erwartungen wurden weit übertroffen. Iulian hat uns in einer Woche nachhaltige Eindrücke von Land und Leuten vermittelt. Auf den Skitouren haben wir unvergessliche Bilder gesammelt und viel Spaß zusammen gehabt. Iulian ist ein ausgezeichneter Tourenführer, der immer das richtige Tempo hatte. Auch im kulturellen Bereich blieb uns kein Wunsch unerfüllt. Wir waren beeindruckt von Iulians Netzwerk, da keine Türe versperrt blieb und immer und überall jemand war, der sich um uns gekümmert hat. Vielen, vielen Dank an Iulian Cozma für diese unvergessliche Woche.

Augsburg, den 21.03.2011
Anna, Christoph I, Christoph II, Helmut, Willi und Hans Flechtenmacher


Lucian Jurca

O placere sa mai arunc cate o privire pe site-ul tau Iulian.
Inca nu a trimis-o nimeni pe ministresa noastra sa ia notite de la tine?!
Toate cele bune,
Luci Jurca

Sergiu Cojanu

Servus Iulian,
frumoase instantanee, mi-au placut la maxim cele de pe munte. Iti marturisesc sincer ca urmatoarea investitie pe care o voi face, va fi o pereche de schiuri de tura si bocanci adecvati ca sa pot sa gust si eu din frumusetea acestui sport.

Pana atunci, … la buna revedere !

Sergiu Cojanu

Marius Tipu

Salut Iulian,

Superbe fotografii. Nu stiu eu exact cum a continuat dialogul , insa pot sa-mi imaginez ca totul a luat o alta intorsatura in momentul in care au aparut gratioasele drigane.
Nu am schiat, nu am fost pe unde ai fost tu in munti, dar iti garantez, mi-ai amintit de roaba si lopata din Voivodeni pe care le foloseam la transportul balegarului. Asta e.


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