Schlagwort: podragu hut

Bergwandern im Fagaras-Gebirge Rumänien

We went on a 3 day hike with Iulian to Moldoveanu Peak in September 2021 and we had the best time! Lots of fun conversation and laughs. Iulian is very knowledgeable and has lots of interesting stories. We also felt incredibly safe with Iulian. He is very experienced and we had every confidence that he would get us to the top of Moldoveanu Peak! He was very organised and made the 3 day hiking experience incredibly easy for us….well as easy as climbing a 2544m mountain can be! It rained very heavily on the first day and Iulian was amazing at ensur… (>>>)

Familienbergwandern in Rumänien, Südkarpaten

Wie die meisten Anfragen war die, die ich von Bernhard bekam, einfach: Ich möchte mit meiner Tochter in Rumänien wandern, eine Art Geschenk zu ihrem 18-jährigen Geburtstag! Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass Eltern mit Kindern zum Wandern nach Rumänien kommen, als Geschenk für jede Art von Jubiläum, aber jedes Mal ist etwas Besonderes! Das Interesse eines jungen Menschen, einfach nur mit einem der Eltern in einem anderen Land wandern zu gehen, überrascht mich jedes Mal aufs Neue! Und dieses Mal wähle ich für sie die Berge Bucegi und Fag… (>>>)

Bergwanderungen in Rumänien, Fagaras Gebirge

Liliana ist eine in Rumänien geborene Dame, die seit vielen Jahren in Italien lebt und diesen Sommer versucht, eine Wandertour in den rumänischen Bergen für eine Gruppe italienischer und niederländischer Freunde zu organisieren. Leider wurde die Tour aufgrund der Pandemie-Situation abgesagt, dennoch möchte Liliana die Schönheit der Karpaten genießen.

Unsere beiden Touren waren Ende Juni in den Bergen von Fagaras wegen der Rododendron-Bergblumen und wir wählen (wie immer) das Barcaciu-Hüttengebiet im Westen von Fagaras… (>>>)

Japanische ältere Wanderer auf Moldoveanu Peak

More and more Asian tourists are coming to Romania, you see them roaming the historical cities of Brasov and Sibiu, or queuing for a visit at Bran Castle or Peles Castle. Up the mountains, however, it’s a rather different story. Or at least it was, till this summer, when a consistent group of Japanese hikers came to Romania for a longer tour, including the historical milestones mentioned above, but also trekking in Bucegi and Fagaras Mountains.

It was our job and honor to guide the group up to the highest point of Romania, on Moldov… (>>>)

Bucegi und Fagaras Berge mit italienischen Bergwanderern

We have planned with our Italian friends a week-long traverse of the Southern Carpathians in July 2018, starting in Sinaia, across Bucegi, than along the main section of the Fagaras ridge, from Sambata to Negoiu.

After a good start in Bucegi mountains, the weather turned for the bad when we moved to Fagaras mountains. Instead of the main ridge traverse, we opted for some easier treks in the lower altitudes, at Negoiu and Barcaciu, but also an attempt towards Moldoveanu Peak via Turnuri and Podragu. We may not have the joy of breathing t… (>>>)

BergWandern in Fagaras-Gebirge, welche die höchste Erhebung in Rumänien klettern

Thanks Iulian for this great trip! We had two fantastic days in the Fagaras mountains, and your expertise, knowledge and thoughtfulness added a lot to our fabulous experience. You set us up for a great challenge, that tested our stamina, but what a great tour we had with you and Nic 🙂 I highly recommend you for others seeking adventures in the Romanian mountains. Lena Eriksson, Sweden – photos here

It was a very nice and great tour. Very nice company with Julian and Nic.. Many laughs! Walking in this mountains can highly be recommen… (>>>)

Wandern in Rumänien, Fagaras-Gebirgswanderung

Our hike was short, but challenging.  Meaning that in one day we have to climb Moldoveanu peak, the highest one in Romanian mountains and to arrive to Balea Lake on Transfagarasean highway. Plan was simple, on first day we climb Moldoveanu peak and sleep at Podragu hut, next day we hike from Podragu to Balea Lake.

And this we did, on a loooong first day hiking, 9 1/2 hours, climbing 1926 meters during 22 km. Starting early morning from Ucea de Sus village, is a plus, because the first part of the day is on low morning temperatures. By climbing … (>>>)

Genießen Sie Wandern in Fagaras Berge


Together with Jon and Chris, I backpacked half of Fagaras mountains ridge on one of the wettest period of 2016, even if was July. Chris came from the UK especially for this tour, Jon works in Bucharest and does a lot of runs in the Romanian mountains, but the Fagaras mountains are special mountains, which require a lot of knowledge and skill. In order for both of them to enjoy this challenging hike, we hiked together. As usual, we started from the East Side, from Piatra Craiului national park. After a warm evening at 7 Crai in Plaiul Fo… (>>>)

Hiking Fagaras mountains, enjoy hiking

This one of those tours what can be described very easy, but photos will do. Was a calm tour from all points of view, weather, pace, talks and landscapes. We start from Valea Sambetei and ended in Ucea de Sus village, hiking of of the most nicest part of Fagaras mountains, the main ridge from Sambata to Podragu, and Tarata north ridge. Even was almost end of July, plenty of Rododendron flowers surrounding us, blue sky and nice athmosphere. We spent last day swimming in Victoria’s town beautiful snwimming poos, eating fish eggs on a fish far… (>>>)

Hiking in Romania, Fagaras mountains from Piatra Craiului to Suru

Eileen and Yves. We „know“ them since three summers, when we were first time contacted by Eileen mother, Christine, born in Brasov city and Fagaras mountain lover. Her father was bringing her to Fagaras mountains, Transylvanian Alps quite often, and also Eileen told me about her talks with her grand father about this mountains.

On 2013 they were hiking from Brasov to almost Olt valley, on different mountain ranges, accompanied by my colleague Mihai. On 2014 they came for a mountain biking tour with Horia, and they ende… (>>>)