Kategorie: Schnee Kundenreferenzen für Skitouren in Rumänien

wunderbaren Tage die wir zusammen mit Dir in Rumänien

Hallo lieber Iulian

Ja nun bin ich bereits wieder eine Woche in Deutschland und ich denke fast unentwegt an die wunderbaren Tage die wir zusammen mit Dir in Rumänien verbringen durften. Wunderbar deshalb weil bereits im Vorfeld zu erkennen war das es sich bei Dir nicht um den „Normalguide“ handelt. Denn bereits dort habe ich erkannt, das Du wahnsinnig hilfsbereit und flexibel bist. Hatte ich doch fast den Eindruck Du machst Kopfstände für mich. Ja ich sollte wohl alles bekommen was ich mir wünsche – auch eben eine Tour nur für mich alle… (>>>)

A big Thank you for the fantastic week

Dear Iulian!

A big Thank you for the fantastic week that we got to spend with you in Romania! We are taking home some fantastic memories and great experiences.

Thank you also for being such a brilliant and enthusiastic guide. You are not only great fun to be with but also a very competent and extremely sporty and you really know how to connect to nature – Thank you for taking such good care of us and sharing and teaching us your love for this wonderful country.

It is rare to find a guide with whom you can feel both safe and familiar but you ma… (>>>)

We think, we’ll meet again next year for a great biking tour.

Dear Iulian,

It has been a wonderful week for both of us. We came with a backpack full and heavy within a lot of themes from our everyday life. We’re back at home now, relaxed and satisfied. Therefore we have to say thank you so much for the breath-taking tours, the delicious food, the great accommodations and lust but not least for your ministrations respectively all you’ve done for us.

Be good to yourself !

Alois from Germany, March 2012 – photos here… (>>>)

Melde dich wenn du einmal in der Schweiz bist – wir haben immer ein Platz für dich!

Lieber Iulian

Wir sind gesund und voller Erlebnisse wieder in der Schweiz angekommen. Die Reise nach Rumänien war für uns alle eine Bereicherung. Die fünf Tage blauer Himmel haben uns natürlich gefreut. Aber viel schöner war es, als Freund und nicht als Gast empfangen zu werden. Das macht ein grosser Unterschied. Du hast uns die Herzlichkeit Rumäniens näher gebracht. Besonders erwähnen möchte ich, dass die Organisation absolut perfekt war! Wir sind schon oft im Osten gereist und haben andere Erfahrungen gemacht als mit dir. Jede… (>>>)

Give us a call when you are in Switzerland – we’ll always have room for you!

Dear Iulian,

We have arrived well and loaded with memories back home to Switzerland. The trip to Romania was for all of us truly enriching. Not only have we enjoyed five days of cloudless skies, but it was also nice to be welcomed as a friend, not as a guest. This makes the difference. You brought us closer to the Romanian hospitality.

I would like to especially point out that the planning of the tour was perfect! We have travelled several times to the East and had different experiences. Anyone from Western Europe would appreciate how preci… (>>>)

Ski traversia Romania

Thanks a lot for the 4 incredible days spent in Romania! A wonderful experience! And next time we’ll think about bringing heavier gear… ;- ))

Izaskun, Alejandro and friends from Zaragoza, Spain, March 2012 – photos here… (>>>)

My trip was a mountaineering trip over 5 days

My wife bought this trip for me for Christmas and for my wife it was an importance that I could travel with a guide where trust and personality were the key words. And I must say that it was as she hoped.

Before I even arrived, I have had a long and positive dialogue with Iulian, who even offered to lend me some equipment that i needed. I received lots of good advice and I felt very well prepared to be alone in Romania.

The tour, which included only me, took place under great conditions because we were lucky with the weather. Iulian, who is also an am… (>>>)

Og det må jeg sige, at det var som håbet.

Jeg fik denne tur af min kone i julegave og for min kone var det en vigtighed at jeg kunne rejse med en guide hvor tillid og personlighed var nøgleordene. Og det må jeg sige, at det var som håbet.

Min tur var en mountaineering-tur over 5 dage. Før at jeg overhovedet ankom, havde jeg haft en lang og god dialog med Iulian, som endda tilbød at låne mig udstyr som jeg ikke havde. Jeg modtog masser af gode råd og følte mig derfor meget velforberedt på at være alene i Rumænien.

Turen, som kun inkluderede mig, foregik under fantastiske forhold, da vi var … (>>>)

Tres días increíbles , caminando por las montañas nevadas de la aldea de Bran

Tres días increíbles , caminando por las montañas nevadas de la aldea de Bran hasta Moeciu de Sus, y visitando la encantadora ciudad de Brasov, Iulian ha sido un gran cicerone, y hemos descubierto gracias a él, la mas genuina forma de vivir en las montañas , parece que el tiempo se ha parado en estas pequeñas aldeas, todo ello acompañado por las comidas y las bebidas típicas … muchas gracias también por el reportaje fotográfico : )

Una experiencia absolutamente recomendable no solo por la belleza de los paisajes de Rumania , sino también p… (>>>)

A great itinerary

We started by taking the Cable car from Busteni to Babele. There we made a big loop passing thru Omu Peak and arriving after 8 hours in Pestera. The sun was bright and the scenary was incredible with the clouds in the valley. In some parts it was like walking on the clouds. Iulian had arranged for us a good stop for the night in the National Salvamont School in Pestera where we recoverd with a good meal. The second day was very nice as well since the landscape had turned white with the night frost. We arrived in Moeciu tired but happy. Next time wil… (>>>)