Kategorie: Schnee Kundenreferenzen für Skitouren in Rumänien

Burton rider in Romania

Recently, January 2003, BURTON team riders, Mikey Rencz and Donny Ellis visited Romania, accompanied by Senior photographer Jeff Webb, and Finnish Rider Tapio Kuusakoski, to do a story on Snowboarding in Romania, for Snowboard Canada Magazine. The trip was a success, and the story is amazing, here is what they had to say about this experience: ” Without Iulian Cozma, Mountainguide, our trip would have been a flop. Iulian new exactly where we needed to go, and got us there with no problems at all. Thanks to Iulian Cozma, Mountainguide… (>>>)

Skitouren in Rumanien

Eine Empfehlung: Mein Name ist Helmut Gargitter und bin hauptberuflich Bergführer. Ich organisiere Skitouren-, Kletter und Wanderreisen in der ganze Welt. Dieses Jahr war ich 2mal in Romänien unterwegs. Mein Begleiter war dort der junge Bergführer Julian Cozma aus Brasov. Zusammen mit ihm habe ich eine Skitourenroute ausgearbeitet die sich je nach Verhältnissen gut für Gruppen eignet. Diese Routen befinden sich an 2 verschiedenen Gebirgszügen der Südkarpaten. Jetzt im Herbst habe ich mit ihm noch eine Trekkingwoche mit wie… (>>>)

Ski touring in Romania

We will never forget our wonderful trip to the Carpathains thanks to Iulian. We stayed four days with him, and he prepared everything in a way that our ski tours with him were perfect. We had a lot of fun, and enjoyed every minute we stayed together. He is a perfect Mountain Guide with an incredible knowledge of every single mountain, but he is much more than that: He is is a great cook, he can prepare nice and different plans plans adapted to the fitness of everybody, he even became my backpack porter when he felt I was too tired, and most of all, … (>>>)

Ten days of hiking in Transsilvania

Adding ten days of hiking in Transsilvania to our down-the-Danube cycling trip Annabel and I sought to top off one adventure with another. Logically, our erratic way of communication should have led us straight into the desert, but thanks to Iulian’s golden patience we got golden Horia to take us through Postavaru, Piatra Craiului, Bucegi and Fagaras Mountains. A somewhat unseasonal snow storm greeted us upon arrival in Brasov October 1st. Our exceedingly wild expectations matched only by our exceedingly lacking equipme… (>>>)