Etichetă: transilvania

Drumetie pe zapada in Tara Branului

Five friends from London came to Romania this winter for a snowshoeing trip across the hills and glens of the Bran Country. Conditions varied from cold winter to warm spring, with fresh snow or pleasant sunshine, with a little bit of mud added to mix. Fortunately no rain, but – we will say it over and over again, as it is simply very trye – there is no such thing as bad weather in the mountains. Just bad clothing.

Everyone’s photo camera was put to good use and abuse, as you can see from the gallery below. Be it a smartphone, a … (>>>)

Drumetie in Transilvania, file de poveste

Hiking with Avril and Nina, what a wonderful tour! I met Avril 8 years ago, on a strong winter, when we walked up to Curmatura hut in Piatra Craiului national park. This year, together with Nina, she came to see how our mountains look in the summer time! As you can clearly see in the photos, they look very well! We hiked in the Bucegi mountains, Bran county and it’s high hills. We also went to Magura, the fairy tale village from our winter trip that Avril remembered vividly; the snow had been so high that the bread was transported by a hors… (>>>)

Active holiday in Romania, family hiking in Romanian Carpathians

They choose to spent a 3 weeks holiday in Romania, combining walking in the mountains with cultural visits and sitting in the sun. Was middle of August when we start the trip, start of September when we finish 🙂 So I was happy to organize for those two German families a trip as they wish, starting with Ocna Sibiului, Barcaciu hut in Fagaras mountains, Salvamont hut in Bucegi mountains, Sinaia, Sighisoara and Brasov cities, Viscri and Balea Lake tourist destinations and not the last, Poarta and Moeciu de Sus mountain villages. The trip we… (>>>)

Walking tour in Romania, Bran county tour

Danes have an average of 5 to 6 weeks of holidays every year, so no wonder they are a very wanderous kind of people. Denmark being a relatively small country, the Danes usually travel abroad to follow their typical North-European appetite for outdoor activities.

Torben and Jesper chose the Bran County in Romania for their hiking trip in April 2015, hoping for some nice spring weather and fresh-green landscape. It was spring indeed, but the weather was rather challenging, keeping us at lower altitudes to avoid the unexpected snow up on … (>>>)

Hiking with nos amis Belges, Transylvania, Romania

How many times did we say to our old classmates or childhood friends, on those rare occasion we see them: „You know what? We should do that more often. We should do something together regularly, like we used to”. And we don’t, because we are all too damn busy.

Well, some people actually do that. We’ve guided Swedes who were making yearly trips around the world with friends they made more than 30 years earlier. We’ve shown the wanders of Bran Country to a group of Belgians in their early thirties who already … (>>>)

Week end hiking in Fagaras mountains

Middle of August was hot and busy! It was a weekend tour during one of the busiest weekend for those who choose to go by car up to Balea Lake! I mean, was very busy! I have to walk on the road for 3 km to arrive at the hut, because the latest 3-4 km from Transfagarasean highway was full with cars…

Anyway, out tour was far from the drivers and cars!

After the tour we enjoyed a dinner in Ucea de Sus village, as usual I can say 🙂

Enjoy the photos, Iulian, Brasov city, 12 October… (>>>)

Mountain biking în Romania

Împrejurimile Brașovului, cu munții din sud estul Transilvaniei, sînt zona cu cea mai mare concentrare de trasee pentru mountain biking din România. Cărări cu rădăcini, bolovani, prin păduri sau goluri alpine, pe crestele munților sau prin pădurile sau fânețele de la marginea satelor: acesta este terenul nostru de joacă pentru turele de mountain biking pe care le organizăm din 2010.

Zonă cu adevărat alpină: După cum o indică și numele, mtb-ul înseamnă munte. Puțini din amatorii de mtb din România au norocul de a avea acces rapid la… (>>>)