Many say that the 2019 season marked the end of an era for the various leisure industries, including adventure tourism. Well, if this will be the case, we can honestly say that we ended this said era with a bang. Our 2019 mountain biking season was a brilliant one. Check it out in this short video round-up:
We’ve had some exquisite custom short tours: Daniel, coming from Sweden, open the party in April. Monika and her friends drove to Romania for a longer trip, out of which four days were reserved for mountain biking. Sam flew all the w… (>>>)
Manualele de geografie scriu că aproape 30% din suprafața României e acoperită de munți. Promițător pentru schiul de pârtie, ai zice. În realitate, înălțimea relativ mică (în comparație Alpii, Pirineii, etc) și clima relativ uscată, temperat continentală, creează condiții mai puțin propice pentru construirea unor mari stațiuni de schi, care să rivalizeze cu imensele domenii schiabile din vestul și centrul Europei.
Dovadă stau atât aglomerația de pe puținii kilometri de pârtie amenajați în Carpații Românești, dar și coloan… (>>>)
În ultimii ani, România a început să fie tot mai prezentă pe lista destinațiilor de vacanțe active și tot mai mulți turiști aleg să-și petreacă aici vacanțele. Fiind o țară cu multe zone muntoase, nu este de mirare că drumețiile sunt foarte des practicate iar traseele sunt bine marcate și adaptate fiecărui turist.
Folosindu-se de cei peste 22 ani de experiență în organizarea de drumeții montane cu grupuri de turiști din toată lumea, Iulian Cozma Outdoor Adventures va oferă toate elementele pentru a avea o vacanță ideală în munții din … (>>>)
You’d say rain is a major downer when going for a walking trip. Who wouldn’t prefer a nice, sunny, warm day on the trails instead of marching around, across or simply through muddy puddles, with rain falls ranging from light drizzles to heavy hail, with constantly wet shoes, clothes, etc.
Still, if you love mountains, you enjoy them no matter how the weather is. That’s exactly what we did, in the select company of seven Swedish guests that we guided through Bucegi mountains from Sinaia to Moeciu, than across Bran Cou… (>>>)
Dear Iulian, Thank you so much for showing me a bit of Transylvania ,,this beautiful part of Romania”. We did have a wonderful time travelling with you. It was so nice and easy to follow in your step and have all the time to look around in this great unspoiled nature. It was wonderful to have the feeling that everything was unspoiled and basic. No other tourists. Just like the three of us were alone in the world. We had so much fun and we will have good memories from this trip forever. We hope we can come again to see some more, maybe going t… (>>>)
Middle of August was hot and busy! It was a weekend tour during one of the busiest weekend for those who choose to go by car up to Balea Lake! I mean, was very busy! I have to walk on the road for 3 km to arrive at the hut, because the latest 3-4 km from Transfagarasean highway was full with cars…
Anyway, out tour was far from the drivers and cars!
After the tour we enjoyed a dinner in Ucea de Sus village, as usual I can say 🙂
Enjoy the photos,
Iulian, Brasov city, 12 October… (>>>)
to be very honest my knowledge about German language are not so great, I mean I can say that I speak some German, as basic conversation, but unfortunately for the moment I’m not able to lead a Walking & culture (Wandern und Kultur) tour on our nice mountain villages, but I think that I manage this type of tour very well in English 😉 Luckily Erika and Marcel spoke English, and like this we enjoyed our tour 🙂
My guests on middle of May, 16-21 May, were coming from Berlin, Erika and Marcel, and as you may see from photos below… (>>>)
Împrejurimile Brașovului, cu munții din sud estul Transilvaniei, sînt zona cu cea mai mare concentrare de trasee pentru mountain biking din România. Cărări cu rădăcini, bolovani, prin păduri sau goluri alpine, pe crestele munților sau prin pădurile sau fânețele de la marginea satelor: acesta este terenul nostru de joacă pentru turele de mountain biking pe care le organizăm din 2010.
Zonă cu adevărat alpină: După cum o indică și numele, mtb-ul înseamnă munte. Puțini din amatorii de mtb din România au norocul de a avea acces rapid la… (>>>)