Etichetă: swedish

Expert mountain biking tour in Romania, South East of Transylvania

Performance… About Sigge and Mike I’ve heard last year. They were described as mountainbikers with very good tehnical skills so that made me pretty much eager to meet them. And I just say this: It all worthed. This year they came with Thomas  and we rode the Carpathian Expert Ride wich is the most difficult tour offered by – and in Romania at this point. I had big expectations from the whole trip but I have to confess: the tour and the way of riding was so much beyond my dreams.

With this team it was alway… (>>>)

All-mountain mountain biking weekend in Postavaru and Piatra Craiului mountains, Romania

Two days of thrilling riding on the natural bike park called Postavaru Mountain and across the gorgeous beauties of Piatra Craiului Mountains, with Sigge and Arnon. Great weather, challenging trails, tones of adrenaline. Last but not least, a great company. What more does one need for a perfect weekend out in the wild?

As always, we feel privileged to live in a place like Brasov, with easy access to beautiful mountains, superb scenery and amazing trails.

Horia, July 2012

Testimonial: Horia, tack för fantastisk guidning i fantastis… (>>>)

Walking tour in rainy but beautiful Romania

You’d say rain is a major downer when going for a walking trip. Who wouldn’t prefer a nice, sunny, warm day on the trails instead of marching around, across or simply through muddy puddles, with rain falls ranging from light drizzles to heavy hail, with constantly wet shoes, clothes, etc.

Still, if you love mountains, you enjoy them no matter how the weather is. That’s exactly what we did, in the select company of seven Swedish guests that we guided through Bucegi mountains from Sinaia to Moeciu, than across Bran Cou… (>>>)