Etichetă: Carpathian acvila

Frumoasa Romanie, Delta Dunarii si Bucovina, oaspeti din Israel

I hiked first time with Mila and Jose back on 2008, in Bucegi and Fagaras mountains. They are Israeli citizens with Romanian roots and families, and because the love at first sight is hard to forger, they return in Romania for nature tours. And on summer of 2019 Mila and Jose organize a tour for another 12 friends from Israel, to introduce them to the beautiful nature of Romania. And the area we choose represent Romanian nature well and with pride: Danube Delta, the forestry Carpathians and the bucolic hills from Bucovina.

Tour starts in B… (>>>)

Bergblumen-Tour in Fagaras Gebirge, Süd-Karpaten in Rumänien, Silene dinarica

Discovering Fagaras mountains, The Transylvanian Alps, flora and fauna

I can say that the trip into Fagaras mountains from middle of August 2011 together with Ursula and Christop was really a nice tour, with a lot of interesting things to see. Christop have special interest for the flora of the Fagaras mountains, and taking this in consideration we did a interesting tour. Our tour start on Lady valley in middle of Fagaras, and end on Sambata valley on East part of Fagaras mountains.

Starting with the first day, we’re be able to di… (>>>)