Etichetă: bran

Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania

On my those 12 years of mountain guiding and organizing outdoor tours in Carpathian garden, I have learned that one image is more valuable then 1000 words.  I invite you to see some images from my last „Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania” tour in South East of Transylvania, together with Tatiana and Nasser.

We did a walk from village to village, on one of the most surprising and beautiful part of Transylvania, where you meet real nature and local people every day. After the walking tour, we visite… (>>>)

Snow walking in Moeciu de Sus – Simon villages

Second snow falling from this Autumn 🙂

I can say that the area of Moeciu de Sus – Poarta – Simon mountain villages is one of my favorite area for walking. First of all because of his unique natural beauty, and not the last because of the photo opportunities what this area keep to offer!

We arrived on Friday evening at mrs. Jebac house from Poarta village, enjoying the tasty food what she cook for us. This time us is meaning, Beth and Marc, and Carmen and Catalin. Saturday we did a classic wak, from Simon village to Moeciu de Sus, unf… (>>>)

Drumetie montana pe dealurile satului Simon

Salut,Ziua de 10 Septembrie am petrecut-o intr-o excursie, insotind in zona Bran – Moeciu, un frumos grup de tineri din Bucuresti. Tura noastra a inceput in satul Simon cu multa voie buna. Vremea frumoasa si atmosfera tinereasca au impanzit dealurile care au rasunat de rasete si glume care au dat viata locurilor. Aparatele de fotografiat si-au facut cu prisosinta datoria, imortalizand atat diverse momente ale Echipei cat si frumusetea peisajelor si a participante(i)lor. Avand in stanga masivul Bucegi si in dreapta Piatr… (>>>)

Traveler to Romania, walking and culture

End of June offer the possibility to enjoy a tour through Transylvania, Maramures and Bucovina counties, Dracula castle, wooden churches and painted monasteries. It was a long tour, almost 2 weeks, and during those two weeks weather was quite challenging. From high temperatures in Bucegi mountain to zero Celsius and  snow up in Fagaras mountains, and good weather for walking in Maramures county, we had them all. Was a tour for those type of persons who are really interested to see as much they can during those two weeks, and they enjoy… (>>>)