Tag: viscri

Wanderung in Transsilvanien , genießen Sie Natur pur

Wir waren mit einer Gruppe von 8 Leuten in Rumänien und haben zusammen mit Iulian und Horia (die beiden Bergführer und Guides) eine wundervolle 4 -tägige Tour durch Transilvanien erlebt. Da einige sich nicht auf das Mountainbike getraut haben, haben wir eine Wander- und eine Mountainbike-Gruppe gebildet. Die beiden sind sehr gut auf die Bedürfnisse der Gruppen eingegangen und waren total flexibel was das Programm anging. Wir haben wunderschöne Landschaften, unberührte Natur und auch kulturell Einiges erlebt. So waren wir auc… (>>>)

Walking in Transylvania, welcome to nature

Eva and Christian enjoyed a mountain biking tour in Transylvania last summer as well, and now they came back with other 6 friends. For biking and walking. And we all really enjoyed the days we spent together. Weather was like on Spring, sun, heavy rains, blue sky, but all ended well. We start from Biertan saxon village,and ended in Simon mountain village, walking and biking. In Viscri we get a 50% off from the church ticket, because we arrive by bike, and we walk there, and this was cool. The we visit Piatra Craiului visitors center, and we w… (>>>)

Hiking Fagaras main ridge, Romanian mountains – meeting high expectations

Things looked pretty difficult when Linda told me, upon arrival, that this trip to Romania was presented to her as “the best hiking trip one can have””. Not before mentioning, as a side note, that she had traveled across the continents, seeing most the world known attractions around the globe :-). In between trips, she was living in a quiet island, famous around the world for harbouring the capital city of British Columbia, Canada.

That’s what I’d call high expectations, I told myself while driving t… (>>>)

Discovering the South-East Transylvania on mountain bike

The Saxon villages, the Bran Country, the Piatra Craiului National Park: three hotspots of Transylvanian tourism can be nicely covered in a rather relaxed three days mtb program, as showed by our recent trip with Eva and Christian this June.

The visit at Viscri fortified church, the mtb ride on the bike trails built along the mild slopes of the Transylvanian hills, through forests and meadows, the exquisite accommodation at Casa cu Zorele, the impressive Zarnesti Gorges and the imposing Piatra Craiului National Park, the scenic vi… (>>>)

Mountain biking in Transylvania, Saxon villages

Mountain biking in Transylvania, Saxon villages

Our first mtb tour of the 2014 season was scheduled just before Easter. A very sunny and warm beginning of April, coming after an equally warm and dry winter, gave as hopes for a perfect biking weather during our five days ride with Eileen and Yves.

Two days before starting the tour, winter finally came to our mountains. Not the best circumstances for a bike tour. Keeping our rides at lower altitudes, we fought our way through some wet snow and plenty of rain before switching for a day of ski-touring up in Poiana Brașov resort.

Then we moved … (>>>)

Active family vacation in South East Transylvania, Romania

Family vacation in Romania

A little bit of everything: some trekking in Piatra Craiului and Fagaras,  visits to Bran Castle and walks into Brasov city center, samples of authentic rural life in places like Viscri or Ucea de Sus villages, a little bit of fishing at Beclean village and Panicel resort,  a short visit to the lipizzener stud in Sambata de Jos and some riding sessions at  Popasul Craiului and at Panicel. Plenty of activities to keep a Swiss based German family  of four busy for almost ten days in the South of Transylvania.

Warm … (>>>)

Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania

On my those 12 years of mountain guiding and organizing outdoor tours in Carpathian garden, I have learned that one image is more valuable then 1000 words.  I invite you to see some images from my last “Explore Carpathian garden, walking & culture in Romania” tour in South East of Transylvania, together with Tatiana and Nasser.

We did a walk from village to village, on one of the most surprising and beautiful part of Transylvania, where you meet real nature and local people every day. After the walking tour, we visite… (>>>)