Tag: Carpathian

Mountain biking in Romania across the Carpathians

The flying Dutch across the Carpathians Karin, Yvonne, Angelique and Henk came to Romania this September to do a “TransCarpathian” ride on mountain bikes. Even if the trip was an “advanced” one, they got more than they bargained for. The climbs were longer and more difficult than expected (on or off the bike), the descents more technical – generally what we consider being “advanced” mountain biking was a closer match to what our Dutch guests considered an “expert” level… (>>>)

Hiking in Carpathian garden, Romanian mountains

Sometimes less is more, even in mountaineering Every now and then we have guests that overestimate their abilities – or underestimate the difficulties of the Romanian trails high up in the mountains. The altitudes here are not as impressive as in the Alps or the Dolomite mountains (the main ridges are just above 2000m with highest peaks barely scratching the 2500m limit), but the vertical drops from the valleys to the main ridges are more or less similar, with equally demanding trails. We are proud to say that we never let that sp… (>>>)

Walking in countryside of Romania, trekking tours in Carpathian mountains

“Hello Iulian, I have been on your website several times and I must admit I am very amazed by the scenery of the Romanian countryside. It is awesome. I am from Canada and I am seriously thinking about taking a hiking trip to Romania with my whole family. Robin” Like this was starting my conversation with Robin from Canada, early on May 2012, about a walking tour in Romanian countryside! And they came in early October for a walking tour in Romania! As you may see on the photos below, we enjoyed a great weather during our walki… (>>>)

Hiking in Carpathian mountains, Romania, Fagaras mountains, Transylvanian Alps

I always love to hike in Fagaras mountains on autumn, and when Anja ask me to plan a tour where we’ll meet nobody, I was happy to propose her a tour in Fagaras mountains, because there you meet nobody. And like this it was!

We hiked for 5 days, on very god weather and some cloudy days, but we both enjoyed the beautiful sunsets and silence of the mountains, and not the last the cranberries from the forest of Barcaciu hut, in West of Fagaras mountains.

We also spent a night in Ucea de Sus village, where is still possible to realize what is mean … (>>>)

Bergfreunde auf Wanderung zur rumänischen Karpaten und das Donaudelta, Rumänien

Lieber Julian, zum zweiten mal waren wir mit Dir unterwegs, diesmal erst im Donau-Delta, dann quer durch Rumänien in die Karpaten. Wie beim ersten mal hast Du es geschafft uns von anfang an aus unserem Alltag heraus zu holen. Alles war hervorragend geplant und wunderbar in die Tat umgesetzt – unsere Unterkünfte, die Verpflegung und natürlich die Touren und die Besichtigungen. Jeder Tag war ein neues Erlebnis. Du hast uns Rumänien wieder einen Schritt näher gebracht. Wir hatten unglaublich viel Spaß. Es ist faszinierend wie … (>>>)