Tag: bucegi mountains

Family Hiking in the countryside of Bran mountain village

Family Hiking in the countryside of Bran mountain village

In the spring of 2022, between Covid and the war in Ukraine, I had the pleasure to organize a hiking tour for a grandfather Johannes, and his grandson Adrian, both from Germany.

Johannes had been to Romania about 30 years ago, like any young Neamt who wanted to explore Eastern Europe.

Then he walked the ridge of the Piatra Craiului, now we enjoyed walking at the base of the ridge, different age, different desires.

Our trek was a classic one, on foot through the country of Bran, from village to village, in a May with good weather, flowers and l… (>>>)

Family hiking in Romania, South Carpathian Mountains

As most of the requests, the one I received from Bernhard was simple: I would like to hike in Romania with my daughter, kind of gift for her 18 years old birthday! Is not first time when parents are coming with kids to hike in Romania, as presents for any type of anniversary, but each time is special! The interest of a young person just to go hiking on another country, with one of the parents, surprise me each time! And this time I choose for them Bucegi and Fagaras mountains, the most representatives mountain ranges in Romanian Carpathian.

Wa… (>>>)

Hiking and wedding party in Romania, Fagaras and Bucegi mountains

The main reason for Laura and James to came to Romania, was the wedding of James brother at the beautiful Cantacuzino castle in Busteni town. As keen walkers in UK they also choose to enjoy some hikes in Romania, before and after the wedding.

First of all, we hike in Fagaras mountains, the target being Moldoveanu peak, the highest peak in Romanian Carpathians, at 2544 m high. It was a three days tour, starting from Victoria town, accommodation at Podragu hut. The weather forecast didn’t look great, but even a rain is beautiful some… (>>>)

Sci escursionismo nei Monti Bucegi, Transylvania- 17/25 marzo 2018

Neve , neve e ancora neve!!! una forte perturbazione ha interessato la Romania durante la nostra vacanza tra i monti della Romania. Peccato, perché abbiamo visto pochissimo panorama , però abbiamo attraversato boschi da favola, tra monasteri, castelli e gole .Il programma originario è stato necessariamente modificato ma, grazie alla conoscenza e all’esperienza di Iulian, la nostra guida, abbiamo comunque realizzato in sicurezza e con divertimento la traversata che ci ha portato da Sinaia a Cota 2000, a Petra Arsa, alla … (>>>)

Amplid splitboards in Romanian mountains

Bereits zum zweiten mal ging es in die Karparten zum Splitboarden. Letztes Jahr waren wir schon begeistert von der Natur den Touren und dem tollen Essen. Waren wir bis jetzt „nur“ im Bucegi Gebirge unterwegs, so sollten es diesmal auch ein paar Tage im Fagaras sein. Die Bedingungen waren im Durchschnitt ziemlich gut und so hatten wir einige tolle Touren mit teilweise großartigen Abfahrten.

Iulian passte die Trips immer perfekt auf das Wetter und unseren Bedürfnissen an. So ging es auch mal durch die tief verschneite Landschaft zu ei… (>>>)

Splitboarding trip to Romania, Fagaras and Bucegi mountains

Michael and his wife Bianca were here, in Bucegi mountains last year at begin of January, and we did a ski touring, splitboard and snowshoeing trip in Bucegi mountains. We start at Sinaia resort, on beautiful spring time, even if was 5th of January, enjoying some some sunny days in Bucegi central part, and ending in big powder snow in Simon and Moeciu de Sus mountain villages!

And this winter Michael together with another two friends, return to our mountains again. West Fagaras and Bucegi mountains. As always, at Barcaciu hutte, we were … (>>>)

Ski touring family trip in Transylvanian Alps, Romania

This is happening when you son study medicine in Cluj Napoca University: you go to visit him, but you bring your ski touring gear with you, because are some nice mountains and powder to ski! And this Octavian and Bettina did, they came for a ski tour in Fagaras and Bucegi montains, one of the best and most accessible mountains for ski touring in Romania. Even if the weather at Balea lake was a truly winter weather, cold and wind storms, we enjoyed blue sky and powder snow during our trips in Bucegi mountains.

Enjoy the photos, Iulian, Februar… (>>>)

4 days ski touring in Bucegi mountains

Romanian mountains can be a destinations for short trips, hiking, walking, mountain biking, and why not, for ski touring. With a lot of experience and a good logistic, but off course, with good weather and snow conditions, we enjoyed 4 days of ski touring in Bucegi mountains, on last March. I meet Nicolas many years ago, he’s now based in France, but he still love Carpathian mountains, and with each occasion he share his love with his friends in France. Yes, I know, the French have the Alps, and many other impressive and well know mountain … (>>>)

Enjoy mountain biking in Romanian mountains

We are a group of four Swedes who love exploring different countries and especially the mountains and the country side on bike, by foot and on skies. This year we decided to travel to Romania to test the Carpathians on mountain bikes. The expectations were set high after reading the web page and the professional contact with Horia and Iulian before arriving in Romania. And indeed, the Carpathians and our experiences during the week didn’t make us disappointed! The Swedes, Viktor, Rickard, Martin and Elias – July 2017 – photos he(>>>)

Swedes enjoying the Carpathian mountains

Sometimes it is simply better to let our guests tell the story. Without much ado, here it is:

“We are a group of four Swedes who love exploring different countries and especially the mountains and the country side on bike, by foot and on skies. This year we decided to travel to Romania to test the Carpathians on mountain bikes. The expectations were set high after reading the web page and the professional contact with Horia and Iulian before arriving in Romaina. And indeed, the Carpathians and our experiences during the week didn’… (>>>)