Tag: belgian

Beautiful walking tour in Romania, spring flower tours

What I can say, was one of the nicest spring tour from weather and photography point of view. I was many times walking on this area, but I don’t remember so many flowers as I saw during this tour. And the same surprise for Inge from Belgium, who choose to have a holiday of almost two weeks in Romania. Inge, I think was worthed to choose Romania as your holiday destionation!

I think the photos can tell you more stories then me 😉 Enjoy the photos, Iulian, August 2013 (>>>)

Belgian scouts on the highest peak in Romania, Moldoveanu peak 2544 meters high

On the top of Romania, When Elena contacted us for a trekking tour in the Fagaras mountains I knew that if the weather will let us (and fortunately we had a great weather), it’s going to be a interesting experience for all the people involved.

Elena was leading a group of young Belgian scouts, so from the very begining I was expecting a lot of enthusiasm and so it was. During the three days we had a great time in the mountains and I know for sure they will not forget the moments when it was hard but they succed to overcome all the dificulties… (>>>)