Tag: balea lac

Discover Romanian mountains, adventure hiking in Carpathians

Eileen came from Switzerland to Romania tracking back family roots and trails. Her grandfather started his love affair with the mountains in Fagaras, in Sambata and Vistisoarea area, following his passion later in life up in the Swiss mountains. Eileen wanted to see with her own eyes where it all began, so, together with her friend Yves, they asked us to plan a ten days trekking tour in Romania.

We started near Brasov, in Piatra Mare, and made our way towards Fagaras via Bucegi and Piatra Craiului. All along the way we visited sheep farms… (>>>)

Drumetie montana in Muntii Fagaras

Intotdeauna mi-am dorit sa pot sa scriu un raport de tura in limba Romana! Si din pacate pana acum nu am avut aceasta sansa. De ce? Pentru ca in cei 14 ani de cand merg pe munte ca si ghid, am organizat ture doar pentru straini care vin sa vada Romania dincolo de tabloide, de stiri de televiziune, vin sa vada o Romanie reala, si de ce nu, o Romanie frumoasa. Acum a fost un grup mixt, Suedezo – Roman, 5 la 2 ca sa zic asa, adica 5 Suedezi pusi pe shotii tot timpul, nu ca Romancele ar fi fost mai calme! No way! Dor ca si-au dat drumu’ mai incet, … (>>>)

Sci alpinismo in Romania, nelle montagne dei Carpazi

Sono arrivate 11 persone. Dal Ticino, la parte italiana della Svizzera, là, dove, secondo me ,si “mangia” lo sci con la cioccolata Milka  o sul pane. Eppure sono venuti nei Carpati romeni per provare la neve, per vedere come si sta da noi.. E hanno visto…Cosi come ha detto Hildi, una signora del gruppo.”Adesso capisco perché la gente viene da voi a sciare “. Queste parole dopo una discesa attraverso la neve fresca  su Cocora nei monti Bucegi, dove aveva nevicato la notte prima (40 cm). Neve fresca, fine, fredda, giusta per i nostri sci.

An… (>>>)

Skitouren in Rumänien, Skitouren in Karpaten, Bucegi und Fagaras Berge

Hallo lieber Iulian,

Ja nun bin ich bereits wieder eine Woche in Deutschland und ich denke fast unentwegt an die wunderbaren Tage die wir zusammen mit Dir in Rumänien verbringen durften. Wunderbar deshalb weil bereits im Vorfeld zu erkennen war das es sich bei Dir nicht um den „Normalguide“ handelt. Denn bereits dort habe ich erkannt, das Du wahnsinnig hilfsbereit und flexibel bist. Hatte ich doch fast den Eindruck Du machst Kopfstände für mich. Ja ich sollte wohl alles bekommen was ich mir wünsche – auch eben eine Tour nur für mich all… (>>>)

Bergwandern in den Siebenbürger Alpen

Last year, on July 2010, I hiked with Christian from Stuttgart on the Fagaras main ridge, from far East to Podragu hut, on Central part of Fagaras mountains. We did this hike camping on a tent on the main ridge of Fagaras for 3 days. I can say the weather was not as we expected, was raining all the time, but even like this we climbed Moldoveanu peak, and we enjoy some tough hikes.

This year, on July 2011, Christian return to his favorite mountains, Fagaras mountains, for another challenging tour. This time we had great weather. On this year hik… (>>>)