Wandern in Rumänien, Wandern in Siebenbürgen Bergdörfer


to be very honest my knowledge  about German language are not so great, I mean I can say that I speak some German, as basic conversation, but unfortunately for the moment I’m not able to lead a Walking & culture (Wandern und Kultur) tour on our nice mountain villages, but I think that I manage this type of tour very well in English 😉 Luckily Erika and Marcel spoke English, and like this we enjoyed our tour 🙂

My guests on middle of May, 16-21 May, were coming from Berlin, Erika and Marcel, and as you may see from photos below, we did a nice tour on our mountain villages from Bran county area, milking cows (thanks Joana and Breaza! ), making cheese on a local pension, and not the last having interesting conversations with local people which we meet on our walks.

The man working on metal, from the top of the page, is born is 1929, named Nicolae, and he live on Simon village. During the second world war he was a boy of 14 years old, working in a sheep farm near Ciucas mountains, in Bratocea pass. When at the end of the war the German troupes start to retreat because the Russians were coming, the need food. And they stop to the sheep farm where Nicolae from Simon village was working helping the shepherds. They ask for 3 cows, 12 sheep and a lot of cheese. Even if was a war, they pay for the cows, sheep and cheese, and they follow their way… When the Russian soldiers arrive, they didn’t ask about the animals or cheese, they confiscate all what Nicolae and the shepherds have, and were gone….

This was one of the stories what we listen on our walking days from South East of Transylvania … At the end of his story Nicolae said: „Niste domni Nemtii domne‘ niste domni, au cerut mancare si au platit-o, si asa iti dai seama de cultura unui popor, pe cand Rusii au confiscat tot ….“ / „The  Germans were gentlemen, demanded food and paid for it, so you realize what is the level of the culture of a country, while the Russians had confiscated all ….“

And I think he was perfectly right…

Best regards from Brasov,

Dear Iulian , sorry. I haven’t wrote you immediately to your mails. I received an read them all ! Thank our for all your efforts. I had to laugh to see us unsporty Eberls on your
super interne-space. Thanks by the way!
The pictures are lovely. I haven’t had time to select mine…yet. Bucaresti was interesting especially the house of people, but the city is really exhausting! we were glad to spend there only 1 day. We are back in Berlin and evrey day life has us back, but I’m telling everyone about this interesting and beautiful land(scape of) Romania and of course about you!
I’d plan to come back maybe with some friends next year.
Take care.
Best regards Erika & Marcel Eberl – Berlin, May 2011