Thank you Horia and Iulian for two awesome days in Brasov and Piatra Craiului National Park! When I arrived in Rumania with my car and my bike the only thing I was sure about was that I want to explore some parts of the Carpathians. After a challenging experience on my own I decided on Monday afternoon to ask Iulian to guide me for the next two days: Thursday and Wednesday. I was very lucky! Iulian and Horia made it very spontaneously possible to ride some excellent trails and to have two outstanding days around Brasov! Horia was choosing perf… (>>>)
Schlagwort: kronstadt
Out of the comfort zone, mountain biking in Transylvania, Romania
This week was one of a different kind. Maybe it wasn’t the perfect weather for mountain biking but it was perfect to create memories that will last. Cold, snow technical problems… We had it all. That was the difficult part but – and there is a big BUT. In the same time with giving us trouble all this difficulties gave us also the chance to stand and deal with ourselves and nature. The wheels were spinning and the weather too. From sun to rain. From rain to snow. Again Sun with teeth and again clouds. The pedals are still p… (>>>)
Bergwandern in den Siebenbürger Alpen
Last year, on July 2010, I hiked with Christian from Stuttgart on the Fagaras main ridge, from far East to Podragu hut, on Central part of Fagaras mountains. We did this hike camping on a tent on the main ridge of Fagaras for 3 days. I can say the weather was not as we expected, was raining all the time, but even like this we climbed Moldoveanu peak, and we enjoy some tough hikes.
This year, on July 2011, Christian return to his favorite mountains, Fagaras mountains, for another challenging tour. This time we had great weather. On this year hik… (>>>)
Mountainbiking in Rumänien
Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem neuen, aufregenden Mountainbike Erlebnis? Eines das Sie vom normalen Weg abbringt, frei von Touristen aber trotzdem in Reichweite ist? Sehnen Sie sich nach einer fesselnden Tour durch einer wilden, unberührten Landschaft, mit zahlreichen Flowpunkten aber auch mit Fahrten über Fels und Wurzel? Oder nach gemütlichen Unterkünften mit tollem Essen und professioneller Führung und Organisation?
Willkommen in Siebenbürgens Südkarpaten, Rumänien, ein echtes Märchenland für Mountainbike Enth… (>>>)